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BFM this

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Everything posted by BFM this

  1. BBC’s Ukrainecast explored some of the creative accounting the Russians are using to hide casualty figures from the Russian public in their episode from last Wednesday. Contractors recruiting from prisons to start with. But yeah, this one is going to affect their society for generations.
  2. Makes sense. I mean, since you can launch a Maverick on the ground, of course you could shoot a HARM.
  3. "the Air Force surgeon general has recommended the waist-to-height ratio as the best method for assessing body composition instead of the long-used tape test." Jimminy Cricket, it's about friggin time!
  4. "Instead of punishing [the] individual and holding them accountable, the airmen are now required to attend more pt so no one else is in the same situation to fail," Glad to see time honored traditions of AF leadership are alive and well. When one idiot shits their pants, we all wear diapers. Bravo. 👏
  5. Based on the ADS-B track, CP was on his third training sortie. Started with a jump run, went to the pattern, two circuits, then headed for RDU and declared, implying the second bounce went wrong (hard landing, etc). Ref: video I'd posted earlier
  6. Barring further evidence coming to light, the most likely working theory is that this was an attempt to visually check the damaged right main while in flight, gone horribly wrong. Anyone who has ever been anywhere near an open Herc ramp in flight, wouldn't think of doing so without a harness attached.
  7. Targets drive the weapon. Threats drive the tactics. The audience drives the Movie Tactics.
  8. Is this another General Chang thing? We being trolled again?
  9. In legacy initial last year, having taken a COVID victory lap at the ACMI... Sim-P is a crusty old dude, mid 70's, with plenty of stories. Started out at Air Cal, mentioned this 6-9 times every day we worked with him. Great guy, easy to get along with. Walked with a cane. Took quite a while to get down the stairs to the sim bay, so if one of us needed to hit the head mid session, he'd just toss us his badge to get in/out of the door vice walking out with us. He was there...because he felt he needed to. His was the standard "timing is everything" story, with maybe one divorce, maybe one ill-timed change of carrier, but otherwise he caught the triple furlough whammy. Came home and told the Frau that our financial goal, beyond anything else, was NOT to end up in a similar situation.
  10. I cringe whenever I hear this bullet point mentioned. Step 1: Age 67 passes, and with it additional screenings required, including cognitive. Step 2: Courts weigh in on age discrimination, as at first Step 1 only applied to 65 - 67 Step 3: All ages subject to new screenings, including cognitive. Step 4: some pilots who had previously been in the clear at Step 1 find themselves running afoul of the new screenings (think 59yo experiencing what might otherwise have gone undiagnosed early cognitive decline) Step 5: HUGE PROFITS!!! Here again, whoever is pushing this agenda is counting chicks way before they hatch.
  11. I think this nugget from the Good Idea Fairy isn't going to hit reality intact. Sure, there's going to be a few individuals with the healthspan to make it to 67. They will likely be eclipsed by those who want to, but fall short, driving up LTD costs for starters. Likewise, at least at my carrier, can't take the sick bank with you, so the older segment spends their last few years (if otherwise healthy), burning down their sick bank; again higher cost per productivity widget. It's going to be an exponential cost increase that in the end will squeeze only a few drops of productivity from the least productive segment of the pilot population.
  12. Fair; I guess clarification is needed. I view the abortion law passed last year as very bad public policy, ripe for use to mobilize less moderate progressives, who already have a foothold in most urban centers within the state. Fast forward to SCOTUS striking down Roe, and a new law even more extreme than the previous iteration. At some point it becomes a watchspring that gets wound tighter and tighter, and at some point progressives start making gains not just in TX urban centers, but in the suburbs, and at some point the political balance shifts to Illinois, where the vast majority of the land mass is conservative, but that means jack squat.
  13. Did Roe and Casey have sufficient Constitutional basis? I don’t know either way. Here again, someone smarter than I, a Yale Constitutional Law Professor, liberal, pro-choice, and outspoken on the original basis of the Roe decision: One interesting issue that has been raised amongst the noise. While Roe was widely panned by legal scholars over the past half century, there were a LOT of opportunities to shore up the question by passing substantive legislation on the topic. Plenty of periods with either D or R majorities in Congress and/or the executive, but instead of anchoring what everyone is currently raging about in this moment, at best incendiary legislation which couldn’t even garner votes within the proposing party for passage. The issue isn’t one that politicians are interested in solving as it is too valuable a cudgel to wield when needed. We are participating in that RIGHT NOW. Regardless, poor case law is poor case law, and should be revisited, as SCOTUS has rightly done several times in the past. In that regard, I’m all for SCOTUS taking a closer look at previous rulings. My short list: Eminent Domain for commercial rezoning Civil Asset Forfeiture 4th Amendment Qualified Immunity United States v. Miller All the while I’m sitting in Texas, which if recent history is any guide, is going to tee this up for some shitshow legislation on the other side. From where I’m sitting, the clowns in Austin are going to Californicate this state before the California transplants have a chance to lace up their boots.
  14. Possibly one of the most compelling, but more importantly balanced treatments on the subject that I've ever come across.
  15. You're able to request a one year extension on your retirement move entitlement. I extended twice, and was told that they were cinching down on the extensions and that I probably wouldn't get another. Worked out; retired in '18, moved the house in '20, about 2.5 years later.
  16. That sucks. WN was my rock solid #1 choice, which was really an emotional position more than anything else due to family ties. Hell, if they cold called me right now I'd seriously consider bailing on my 3yr legacy spot. Unfortunately, while I was updating that application most frequently, it was the least penetrable of all the majors. I had the longest list of contacts on property who were willing to walk my resume into whatever office necessary to get me a call. Unfortunately, HR had (and assuming still has) an iron grip on the hiring process. Hell, one of my senior CA references said that if Rocky himself owed you a huge poker debt there was nothing even he could do to budge the needle. FedEx learned their lesson and course corrected. Hopefully WN follows suit.
  17. No journalist (aside from extreme fringes, and certainly nowhere in the NYP story) stated that HB was "guilty" of crimes, though they were easy to infer from the existence of the evidence. That the evidence existed, having far exceeded the threshold of journalistic verification, was the thing that was suppressed uniformly by big tech and outright lied about by the intel community. No big deal, right? The question becomes "what is influence", and at what level does that influence become direct interference and outright tampering with outcomes? Start with one of the most seemingly benign forms of "influence" that is so commonplace that it is at this point completely invisible though it is in plain sight: search bar autocomplete. Do you think that this feature has any influence on you or your thinking? Of course not, that's silly, besides, I use _____ (DuckDuckGo, Brave, etc.). I'm not nearly smart enough to answer, so I'll leave you with someone who is: Dr. Robert Epstein.
  18. In the fighter squadrons it wasn't written in any regs, but woe be to the SOB that showed up the next day without rest and there was scheduling fallout. The attached guys were typically jonesing to get out of the late debriefs as they weren't available anyway the following day and had meetings they couldn't get out of, so at 0230 they were looking at their watches and bolting for the door, knowing they had to be at their desk at 0700 regardless. But that Lt FNG better not walk in the door before 12 hours later. Top3 during 2nd go: "FNG Slapnuts to the ops desk" FNG SN: "oh yeah I wasn't on the schedule so I was here at 0730" DO: "MF'er you did WHAT?!?!?!" There just wasn't extra bodies around so it was an understood standard (sometimes actually in the standards, but not always).
  19. We literally just watched the AF do a full grunt 360 degree bat turn on retention. Pre-COVID: OMG we have a retention CRISIS y’all!!! O5 for all my friends! COVID: [180] Cut bonus, needs of the AF, same tune Post-COVID: [180] [see meme above] These lessons do not get learned. They simply don’t. Get a line number.
  20. Don't get me wrong, Boeing owns the Max fiasco fair and square. But which is it, 99% Boeing's fault, or it wouldn't have happened here because of our training and proficiency? Ignoring the airmanship (or conspicuous lack thereof) in either Lion Air or Ethiopian is about as valid as completely ignoring it in AF447. Of course, what I really want to know is what the Nav thinks, with two votes on the topic. [popcorn gif]
  21. Shack. I've decided, though I haven't seen any evidence of chicanery, that I'll make it a point just to go sit in on a school board meeting. And make it a point to vote in school board elections. Again, not because I think there is anything nefarious afoot in my little ISD, but because it is clearly important for parents to show up and be visible; if only to shake hands and thank the board members that have taken the time to step up and serve. Message sent.
  22. My kids school has a sign in the parking lot that reads something to the effect of "Staff is armed and will use lethal force to defend students." I'm not saying that stuff isn't at my kids' school. But maybe not.
  23. https://www.axios.com/boris-johnson-ukraine-zelensky-2283122f-3d5a-487a-91df-95eb62d81f5b.html I'm going to guess that some very top-shelf and seldom used UK capes were dusted off in order to arrange this meeting. Ballzy, Boris, ballzy indeed.
  24. lol, yeah, probably not.
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