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Everything posted by Chromedome

  1. I’m not sure it has changed all that much with all those changes. What I have noticed is that some career fields have benefited from separating all the line of the Air Force career fields and it has hurt some. In the combat support category, folks who normally would have promoted when we were all lumped together are not making the cut. Seems to be more competitive now.
  2. We have separate boards now. Blaming it all on the one person who isn’t rated isn’t the reason why these dudes didn’t get promoted. I suggest you all watch the video on YouTube on how they conduct these boards. When they grade records If anyone in the group is two or more points off from each other they have to discuss and make up the difference. Here’s the link.
  3. Just wrapping up my Joint facilitated course. Start my last facilitated elective class next week and then I'm completely done! Thank goodness.
  4. If you enjoy medicine and flying you could try for the Pilot-Physician program. We had. a flight doc in my squadron who got picked up to go to pilot training. He now flys F-16's but is also a Doctor.
  5. I wish they would push the TAFCSD to 13 years for RPA applicants. I'm a new Major and would love to make the switch over to RPAs.
  6. Anyone have any success getting at TFCSD waiver? I know they already increased it from 5 to 8 but I will have 11 years in by the time the board comes around. I only want to apply for RPA pilot, anyone know what my chances of getting approved?
  7. Doesn't look like they confirmed any of the promotion lists.....SMH.
  8. I saw it too. Looks like its scheduled for vote on Monday.....hopefully we see increments posted the same day or the next. I have a really low line number....I was supposed to promote 1 Sept but oh well. Does anyone know if we get to put on right away after it is confirmed or do we wait until Oct 1.
  9. Super lame.....
  10. What's taking so long for the Senate Armed Services Committee to approve the promotion list for O-4?
  11. I think you have to show that someone made a mistake. For instance, they left out a decoration or OPR that you think would have made a difference at the board.
  12. Does anyone know when the RAW data gets posted for promotion statistics? Does it get posted immediately after promotion release? I'm curious to see the APZ promotion rates this year.
  13. Just saw that they updated the promotion board status. Both the Major LAF and Lt Col LAF boards are now at the Under Secretary of Defense. Still says release will be early or mid July.
  14. I'm sure the O-5 board will come out early or mid July....but the Maj board will probably get pushed again. It's still sitting with the USECAF.
  15. FGOs and above have farts and darts from what I understand. CGOs don't have anything....
  16. New update...
  17. Did they say that it was the Lt Col board or the Maj board? I would think it's both, but MyPers only shows the Lt Col Board with the SECDEF.
  18. Negative. Still sitting with USECAF. Agree. Looks like they are still figuring it out.
  19. It Looks like they pushed the promotion release for the CY18D Maj to late June. No explanation why....
  20. Just saw that the AF Reserve O-4 board results are coming out on the 23rd. Still no word on the Active Duty O-4 results.....SMH.
  21. Last year it got pushed multiple times too. I heard that the reason why last year was because SR’s gave folks promotes that probably shouldn’t have received them. I’m in the same boat as you. Waiting for them to update the promotion release. Last year they released the Major promotion results June 19th .
  22. I was stationed at Barksdale when she was the Wing/CC and she maxed her test or close to max.
  23. Me too. It hasn't updated since the 18th.
  24. As met records for the P0418 major board are loaded in PRDA. The results should be coming out soon.
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