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Everything posted by Beaver

  1. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    Nobody in the real world gives a shit about what happens in California. Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk HD
  2. I predict the first half of the book is about BUDS. Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk HD
  3. It's hard to type while standing in front of congress holding a cane and tophat.
  4. This just in: Tornado Alley has tornadoes.
  5. Great at queep, shitty hands. Gonna be a superstar.
  6. I question the fighter pilot that doesn't appreciate big ass watches. Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk HD
  7. The Enquirer said aliens from Mars may have visited earth.
  8. Are you for real, Clark? How did I miss this?
  9. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    M16 BCGs on PSA now.
  10. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    So really what you're saying is, "I'm cool with registration as long as it's not registered to me." Go through an FFL and get the government's permission to allow you to exercise your rights. That way your ass will be covered.
  11. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    The buyer gives you money. You give them the gun. The end.
  12. The enemy combatant thing is bullshit and much scarier to me than any of the gun control stuff going on lately.
  13. With a hatchet?
  14. This is a very interesting concept. My inputs are on the right.
  15. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    Colts on Buds Police Supply, Pmags, 9mm, and 5.56 on PSA right now.
  16. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    It's an 18" AR Performance SPR barrel and ARP's HF 4x4 muzzle device.
  17. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    I like the DMS for what it cost. It's been durable. With just a circle reticle and a dot you don't have much to work with for estimating holds. How far you can hit with it is up to you. I think the Appleseed folks say you should be able to hit a man at 500 yards with iron sights.
  18. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    It's a BCM gunfighter so there's enough on the side to get to it. Not ideal.
  19. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    A little gun porn never hurt...
  20. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    Gotcha. I didn't know if the mid-length MOE required modification to fit on the M&P 10. I'm on the fence about selling a sweet custom 6.8 upper to fund a new M&P 10. If anyone is interested in the 6.8 let me know.
  21. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    Aimpoint Pro is ~$400. I have a Millet DMS 1-4x variable that works well. What was difficult about the hand guards? Any tips?
  22. Oddly enough, military people's billing info changes over the course of a year and a half.
  23. Hey Tunes, PM me. I need to update some info and your box is full.
  24. If we call them weapons are we at war if we use them?
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