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Everything posted by fou

  1. I previously used NBoKC (saw the recommendations here) and everything was super easy. Like Hindsight said, you will just have to give LESs and several years of history. Also, if needed, you can get your commander to write a letter saying you have xx amount of drills, xx amount of FTPs, AT days, etc and at 1LT pay, you will be guaranteed to make xx dollars. It may take a little more effort for part-timers to get it done, but it happens all the time.
  2. Between Dec-Jun '03, I spent many days/nights sitting in the U-2 hangars guarding the planes as a security forces airman. Definitely lots of memories from that place.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I had heard several versions, but wasn't sure. What you said is correct from what I'm seeing. After checking mypers, I found dates for the SecAF & SecDef (just happened). My date of rank does now show the date I met the state board. Thanks again.
  4. For guard guys, can you tell me the process/timeline for date of rank and pay(or backpay). For example, once the PV has been approved by SecDef, is that your new DOR? After that it has to be passed on to the National Guard Bureau? How long does that process usually take? Is it after the NGB approves it that you actually start getting paid at new rank? Thanks
  5. I don't know anything about HALO, but what altitude is considered high? When do you need O2?
  6. That only happens to the special crews with Navs
  7. If one were to file an 1801/FAA international flight plan through Foreflight or DUATS(800wxbrief), how do enter AR Tracks or ALTRVs in the route of flight and in block 18?
  8. Post now. I believe most airlines like to see apps updated frequently. Even if you aren't currently, and may not be available for a while, it looks good to keep it in queue with updates at regular intervals to show interest. That's just my suggestion, though.
  9. I think I pulled the trigger on that one as I saw your post. Arrived today. Thanks.
  10. I haven't been in a while, but believe ACU type ball caps are now authorized in CENTCOM. What are the best brands and where are people getting them? Thanks for any input.
  11. latest and greatest from the deid... https://www.airforcetimes.com/articles/air-force-as-many-as-135-patients-may-have-been-exposed-to-hiv-hepatitis-at-al-udeid-clinic
  12. Sharyl Attkisson, a former CBS investigative journalist and author of Stonewalled, wrote in her book about Petraeus, which could bring a different perspective on why the federal government might bring up felony charges. https://sharylattkisson.com/the-u-s-govt-vs-gen-david-petraeus/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SharylAttkisson+%28Sharyl+Attkisson%29
  13. I got a Fenix PD34 2014 Edition several weeks ago for doing preflight walkarounds. There are 5 different intensities that you can choose, as well as a strobe that is at max brightness. Typically, I use the mid brightness, which is 180 lumens and last up to 10hrs. The max brightness puts out 960 lumens. Very happy with it so far. For $70, I don't think you could find much better out there.
  14. Why is this in the WTF thread? Seems pretty legit to me
  15. Why is everyone getting upset by what Butters says?! For one, who cares! If that is what his idea of a good QoL is, so be it. In fact, I bet most everyone that is getting pissy about his comments are airline/future airline types. Him not going the airline route is actually beneficial; one less guy clogging up the pool of applicants for the majors. Let him speak and maybe he will convince some others to follow his lead. Just my $.02
  16. I don't know anything about examiner.com, but this is an interesting article here
  17. Yes, you can take the practical at 750 hrs for the mil restricted ATP. I was about 75 hrs shy of 1500 and now have a mil restricted ATP (through an airline, however)
  18. I found the latest on the AFMS page, thanks
  19. Does anyone know if the 2012 ACSCL list is the most current? If not, where can the newest list be found? Thanks
  20. From looking at those pictures, you are right, there doesn't look to be many straps providing AFT restraint. *Assuming they(National Cargo or other contractors) use the same restraint criteria as the AF, the minimum for AFT restraint is 1.5x cargo weight. So for the MRAP, you would need roughly 60k worth of AFT restraint. If you could get all the required restraint from these straps (5k straps???) and maybe an average of 60% of that applied to each strap that was giving AFT restraint, it would require 20 straps alone just for AFT restraint. If somehow those straps and tie-downs were good for 10k, then only 10 straps for AFT. *Edit-My numbers apparently are off from overestimating MRAP weight.
  21. Could be the tie-down points are the limiting factor. I wonder what each of those rings is rated to? If those rings were only rated to say 2k lbs, it wouldn't really be useful to have 10k/25k chains strapped to them. Just a thought.
  22. If you go to the NGA website, there is an Android app as well. I don't have anything Android, so I have never tried it.
  23. Thread Revival The squadron I am in issues Peltors. After a year or so, my volume knob became very finicky. This started to really annoy me so I switched back to my trusty DCs. What are other squadrons issuing these days? Still Bose and DCs for the most part? Anyone have Lightspeed or other brand Mil headsets that they would recommend?
  24. Pretty good article/interview with "The Shooter" https://www.esquire.com/features/man-who-shot-osama-bin-laden-0313-2?src=soc_fcbk
  25. This is what I started with and have been happy so far. I like that the Primary is 6 gallons and you also get a second glass/plastic bottle for secondary fermenter if you so desire. If you do go with a larger pot, make sure you have a big enough burner or stove to heat the larger pot.
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