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the g-man

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Everything posted by the g-man

  1. Hi, I am a recent ROTC grad with a pilot slot. Went to Wright-Patt back in November left not cleared, but not denied medically because it was at the consensus of the ophthalmology team there that I had some kind of infection causing my prescription to be different every morning when they brought me in. I was advised to see a civilian ophthalmologist and have them forward records to MFS. Did so in January. Somehow MFS never got them until I was notified that I could not get orders until FCI was done... wtf? Anyways, they got my paperwork in early June and almost immediately advised my ROTC cadre that they wanted me to see a specialist at Fort Bragg (I live in Charlotte, NC). Did so on 15 June. Went there and the Army docs at Bragg knew nothing of why I was there so I tried to explain my situation as best possible and they just gave me a full overview. Doc said that the only real issue with my eyes is excessive astigmatism. He said that I will likely be DQ'ed because in my right eye the Cyl Power is -2.00 and limit is -1.00. Well, I looked at the AF waiver guides and my interpretation of them is different based on the table saying that >1.50 and <3.00 is waiverable by AETC. It seems my cadre are not working today... grr. Anyways, right now my prescription sits at this: OD Sphere= pl Cyl= -2.00 Axis= 010 OS Sphere= -.50 Cyl= -1.25 Axis = 180 Am I going to get this vision waiver? Or will it be downgraded, and I get a new AFSC, likely WSO/CSO training? I guess ROTC/AETC/AFPC is in a tight spot because I commissioned 11 May, and my EAD is supposed to be 27 Jun to NAS Whiting, with IFS date of 19 Jul. haha, lets see what happens.
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