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  1. IFS, well it's the biggest bullsh*t program provided by our Air Force now. Honestly, they just want to try to seem relevant at this point. Due to sequestration and budget cuts, this program has become a government contract that knows it's failing. PPL guys get to float right on through, and the zero hour guys go to Pueblo to receive a "course designed for the zero hour student". That is crap, especiallly if you get the wrong flight (Bravo or Golf). If you are the "zero hour" guy, go get flight time now!!! Otherwise, plan a different path in the Air Force. The Doss staff isn't there to teach you (it's a screening process as stated in the title, except magnified now that the money is drying up), but they advertise themselves as a flight school. Most of the instructors are crusty, resentful, and just working for the next paycheck. That isn't the character of all, but the worst reflects the most in the way they treat the studs. Academics is a joke, they need to just stop instructing if they just plan on testing over the quizzes.Take my word for it, pay for the PPL and skip this BS to go on to what really matters- UPT!!!
  2. Thanks for posting that website. Made it easier to get a shirt since I'm relocating to a new base.
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