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  1. OK............you beat me down............. If Big Blue allows personal weapons and sanctions them, I guess I'll be good with that.................IF......it's highly vetted and tightly monitored. Have fun with the torrent of CBTs, SF training, and sign-offs you will need to carry. I'm sure the process will be expedient.
  2. So, where does the trust begin? You guys are in it up your your eyeballs as pilots. You are the future leaders of the AF. There are LOTS of folks behind the scenes that let you fly your jet.SF is also a part in this. You have to trust that the jet you are flying will do the job and get you home safely. But you distrust SF base security and feel the need to pack personal weapons? That is sad.
  3. You are talking citizens..............vs..............members of the US military. Big difference, Are we so scared and not trusting in our base security that we fell the need to arm ourselves? Not being emotional or rhetorical at all...............and I'm definitely not some max zoom gung ho Koolaid drinker.....................never was. I guess current politics will dictate the ways of the AF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sad as it might be.,
  4. Hey, I'm a gun owner and I hunt. I'm not here to be some anti-gun wacko. I'm just saying that personal carry has no room on base. The gate guards and SF have the responsibility to keep the base safe. If we can't trust them, where does the trust stop? Are you guys doubting the jets you fly? Has the distrust gone this far? As #d up as the system is, we have to keep the faith and make it work. I still work for DoD, and I still bleed blue. Do we really need Dodge City cowboy law on a base?
  5. Irresponsible.............NO Carry off base...............fine Carry on base.............that's the job we pay SF to do. You are arguing 2nd Amendment rights vs the stark reality of base security. Do you really want cowboy law brought into an AF base? If so, sad times will be among us...................our SF folks just can't protect us.
  6. Think about a stressed out Senior Airman, at wit's end, looking at a bad and career ending EPR coming with a family to feed, and nowhere to go. This in common place. Do you really want someone like this to be legally able to carry a weapon on base? Really? It's cool to test rights..............it's another thing in the cold light of reality.
  7. Yes they do. These folks are out there making it happen in a truly horrible management environment. It eats some of them up. My post was not meant to scare you guys away from your MX troops. These guys and gals would give their life for you if it meant a successful and safe flight. But I would not like seeing them carrying heat on base.
  8. Holy Sh*t! And the news is bringing stories about the AF considering personal concealed weapons on base.................. I'm retired 6 years now with 30 years in the MX turning wrenches business. Trust me.............there are LOTS of individuals that you DO NOT want toting guns. That is some scary sh*t.
  9. And there you go..................... You guys willing to work for kibble? BS on the video.......nice editing.........cute for dog lovers.
  10. Apparently, he couldn't even pull off killing himself. He also took some first person video of the shooting.
  11. WTF! https://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/08/26/active-shooter-reportedly-attacks-tv-crew-in-virginia/?intcmp=hpbt1
  12. I spent a lot of years in MX turning wrenches, and I never understood the MX Supervision's penchant for the blame game on delays or cancellations. As far as I was concerned, I didn't leave the jet until it was fixed and working to the crew's satisfaction. To see a Pro Super or MX officer argue with a crew about MELs astounded me - it wasn't their a$$es in the seat.
  13. I know that run away pitch trim was a problem on KC-135s, and the Gielenkirchen (KC-135E) crash was a direct result. Has this been a current issue on B747s?
  14. Cessna XXXXX, trafific is a Caravan, 1 o'clock / 5 miles at 8000 feet - dropping meat missiles. I laughed all the way to chocks.
  15. Low level, Low IAS and dragging the airplane in to make the drop, through a boiling soup of thermals and smoke, visibility zero at times - this is truly sporty aviation. A round for those that do it.................. And a round for those that gave all doing it..........................
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