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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. Because this site was not meant to be a reflection of society and political "feelings". It was built to help folks who wanted to become military aviators. Along the way it evolved into a place to try and mentor folks through difficult career times by sharing thoughts on development and career choices. Then the political BS started to take over...idiots like Nsplayr spent hours posting their tripe about social issues...the moron actually questioned how many posts I have versus his. I spent years and countless posts trying to share thoughts about choices, paths, PME, development, etc....the only contribution he has made is how to get out of an assignment to Cannon...Sickening! Going back a long way, Rich formed this site to help people who wanted to become military aviators...Did you know him, meet him, talk to him? Along the way way, folks who have been marginally successful at that endeavor have tried to share what worked for them, right or wrong...then came the political agenda morons. I don't blame Rainman at all...understood on what may or may not have happened at the A-10 forum...but here he tried to contribute and I think only wanted to make the road easier for those who wanted to serve.
  2. He is alive and well...he won't be back. He is sick of the 1% of Baseops that insists on throwing shit on the wall just to get a reaction from others. Thank the Nsplyrs, Vertigos, and CHSLoads of the world and ask yourself what contribution they have made here? This was once a great site to share wisdom on careers in military aviation...it has morphed into a place where a small minority spew their political views non-stop. Sad and not what Rich intended.
  3. Spoo, -69 points for liking your own post.
  4. It is so pointless to argue with these dipshits. There is a small group on this board that serves no purpose other than to throw shit and wait for a reaction.
  5. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Magpul as a company impresses me more and more everyday. Company will move if Colo. approves gun control
  6. Rainman is alive and well, go back to your truncated icosahedrons.
  7. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

  8. Because you are too busy crashing them in the desert or the woods of Florida? Your community has some fantastic people, it also has a few real jackasses, just like everyone else. Get over yourself.
  9. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    I've been researching a combo that has both a tactical option and a little bit of reach...thinking about this one.
  10. Cool story bro...
  11. Its meant to prevent purple hearts. Pedro's have taken some SERIOUS BDA the past few years as did some other rotor platforms in Iraq. Case in point.
  12. Reports of massive damage and up to 500 people injured from the impact. It doesn't look like they shot or attempted to shoot it down in the video. I bet these people though we launched a missile at them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO_uo0bPbu4
  13. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Who said anything about being a cop...we were talking about weapons handling?
  14. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Respectfully disagree. My brother is a cop and head of the SWAT Team at a large North East Department. Before making Lt he served as his department's chief firearms instructor. A few years back when I was visiting during their annual weapons qualification period, his police chief invited me to shoot the qualification course. I qualified very easily, five of the 50 officers there that day did NOT.
  15. Yes...one of the problems with unrestrained capitalism, they will water down the whiskey to make more profit. I appreciate they've been honest and upfront (they would have been caught anyway), but as a purist I am very disappointed, they have marketed themselves on quality for years, they drew us in as ambassadors to leverage that quality and have the customer spread the word. Now when all of that worked they are going to cash in to make an extra 3% on the bottomline. I guess most companies would so it, I am just disappointed this one did.
  16. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Own a gun? Time to buy violence liability insurance, California Democrats say
  17. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Decorated Combat Veteran Arrested In New York: Charged With 5 Felonies For Possession of AR Magazines
  18. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Freshman Suspended Over Gun Photo On School-Issued Computer
  19. Amen, all things being equal, I'd rather have the gas.
  20. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

  21. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

  22. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    If that Russian Shit was half as good as you think it is they would have won the Cold War. Obviously it takes a more refined intellect to employ an AR, and with that refinement comes victory.
  23. (Editor's note: The following Letter to the Editor, published in the Jan. 23 edition, has gone viral on the Web after a reader linked it to a Fox News Facebook page. It had received more than 4,000 comments and been shared more than 12,000 times by Tuesday morning.)
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