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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. DT, Do I need to fly down to Navarre and bring you a beer? I'll be down the week of the 27th to brief Folkerts...is Juanna's back open?
  2. Here is a thought...A gallery with hot chicks wearing Baseops.net gear. In fact you could turn it into a small contest...who can find the hotest chick to wear the gear and take a pic. Michaela...you first. [ 12. August 2005, 11:07: Message edited by: Clearedhot ]
  3. Where are your troops and may I count them?
  4. A few years back a retried MSgt took the time to write a nasty note to the local paper telling everyone there was no reason what-so-ever for AFSOC aircraft to be practicing low-level flying. He was extra pissed that they were flying over his NEWLY built house in the middle of the night. Hey jackass, the range has been there for 60 years, the low-level routes have been there for 30+ years, just because you bought some land an threw up a crackhouse doesn;t mean the world stops spinning.
  5. They took it down, I got it this morning from that site.
  6. I can play it but can't save the video. Anyone else able to save it? [ 30. July 2005, 10:55: Message edited by: Clearedhot ]
  7. I still get nervous ticks when I think about the comm I heard every time..."With PID and CDE, cleared to release."
  8. I'm sure you do. All the guys I've worked with in OEF and OIF took their jobs seriously. They were the sh!t AND they were my friends. I am not bad rapping them or any other ground JTAC here. All I'm saying is that sometimes guys on the ground get excited and the pilots need to slow it down if it starts to feel a little out of control. I will also add that often pilots show up and just want to clean the wings. That is a dangerous attitude. They need to be told to safe 'em up and RTB.
  9. Spending the night in Tampa so I can brief one of the muckity mucks at SOCOM. These tanker boys got it made. It's been a while since I've RONed here and the place looks great. New housing, new facilities everywhere and they even program the rental cars for you. I got in mine and it went right to Mons Venus.
  10. Four 38's from SPS were doing a flyover in DC, told by approach to stay over the river. They deviated east of the river and flew over VPOTUS residence...DOH! [ 22. July 2005, 18:59: Message edited by: Clearedhot ]
  11. Anyone got a link for the ohpoop recording? (F-16 guy crapping his pants), searched all over and can't find it. Need it for a brief.
  12. Philadelphia Inquirer July 19, 2005 Prison For Burglars Of Marine's Widow By Keith Herbert, Inquirer Staff Writer Two heroin addicts were sentenced to state prison yesterday for burglarizing the Bridgeport apartment of a slain U.S. Marine while his widow was away making funeral arrangements for him last year. Montgomery County Judge Paul W. Tressler sentenced Kevin Selvoski, 25, of Bridgeport, and Robert Coulson, 27, of Swedesburg, to 71/2 to 30 years in prison. The prison sentences were longer than usual in part because of the "extreme emotional distress" that the victims suffered, Tressler said. Both men had pleaded guilty to burglary and criminal conspiracy for breaking into the home of Cpl. John Todd 3d on July 3 last year. Todd was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb on June 29, 2004. Selvoski, who was a childhood acquaintance of Todd's, called his widow, Colleen Rado, on her cell phone to offer his condolences. Upon learning that no one was at the couple's apartment, Selvoski and Coulson decided to commit the burglary, they said in court. They stole a computer and video games and went to Philadelphia to sell them. They returned with three bags of heroin. "If I can't have my husband back, I'd like to see the people who betrayed him brought to justice," Rado said yesterday. Carol Todd, John Todd's mother, said in court yesterday that she recalled seeing Selvoski at her son's wake with tears in his eyes. "You think your heart can't break any more than it has," she said. Selvoski and Coulson apologized to Todd's family yesterday. Selvoski said they decided to commit the burglary after spending all day drinking and getting high. "I just want the family to understand," Selvoski said. "It wasn't personal. I would have done it to anybody."
  13. Mr Lim's...right out the back gate at Osan.
  14. Mr. Burns: No one will want to kiss me after this, eh, Smithers? Smithers: Well, it's their loss, sir.
  15. Look at them, Smithers. Goldbrickers.... Layabouts.... Slug-a-beds! Little do they realise their days of suckling at my teat are numbered.
  16. M2...That is absolutely classic!!! Five Stars.
  17. Big patches, big nametag, big caboose…..errr I mean big smile.
  18. Concur. The dude took his medicine and stood up to apologize. Let it go and we finish winners.
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