I don’t see anything wrong with folks that want to fly for 20 straight years and retire as a Maj or LtCol. Given changes on the way, I wonder if LtCol will be possible. The USAF is poised to cut 40,000 folks and you will be surprised at some of the areas they are looking at. A few years ago we thought everyone would make LtCol, hell I did, but it is getting tougher again and I think the trend will continue. Would I like to fly everyday and do nothing else, you bet, are those the guys I look up to, not always. My heroes are the guys that can fly AND lead you into combat.
I would take exception to your “actually *working* for Uncle Sam” comment. Not that I do anything earth shattering, but I know a few folks up here who do more work than flying around the flag pole with a few Navy students. :cool:
Ultimately, you have to do what makes you happy. For me I love to fly, but I want to continue to be challenged and sitting back with my feet on the desk for the last 10 years of my career was not for me.
[ 10. January 2006, 10:54: Message edited by: Clearedhot ]