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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. Two questions: 1. If Ukraine was a member of NATO before this conflict started do you think Putin would have invaded? 2. Do you believe in promises made, promises kept?
  2. I am shocked we didn't capitulate and sign...I mean Putin never lies...
  3. And you've ignored the same egregious behavior on the other side...that IS the problem.
  4. The douche canoe below known as Cat 5 (he has done more damage than a Cat 5 hurricane), also known as Fat Tony. As a SQ/CC he gave out 20+ Commander directed Q-3's, he tried to punish a U-28 crew dog with an LOR for losing his weapon only to lose his weapon a short time later and have it covered up when his Chief found his gun in the shitter. He was "soft fired" by the SOCOM/CC Gen Brian Fenton. Multiple people in the room/on the line for numerous confrontations between the two including a VTC in that dissolved to a shouting match. Fenton being the four star CC called CSAF and said move him or I will publicly fire him. USAF in it's infinite wisdom decided to save this piece of $hit and screw all the cadets at the Academy. They don't want any more bad press. Former AFSOC/CC and now VCSAF Jim "Slife the Knife" Slife has maneuvered to PURPOSELY keep gunship guys out of play (In the history of the only command that has gunships there have only been three gunship guys to command AFSOC....three out of the last four CC's have been Pavelow dudes...Fat Tony is a Talon turd, the only platform that will lift him off the ground. Slife is a complete sycophant who thinks only BPZ folks are qualified to command. He knows better than ANYONE...truly a HORRIBLE HUMAN. BGen Mike Conley is a well respected Pavelow/CV-22 dude, has been nominated to go from BGen to LtGen and become the next CC. He is level-headed and thoughtful and will hopefully bring some peace and stability to the command.
  5. Chuck Prof Advanced from B Course T-1 sortie to WIC grad DG - Risner Winner in one flight.
  6. There will most certainly be a bid for qualified immunity...no matter that the police do they always try to invoke it.
  7. Meh...a kill is a kill.
  8. You mean like use government agencies to go after his political adversaries...who would do such a thing...
  9. I really wish he would make peace with Nikki...she would appeal to a lot of folks in the middle.
  10. It is such a fine line to walk as a Commander, you just never know. We had a guy get arrested for Child Porn. Everyone liked him and it seemed very out of character. He professed his innocence and a lot of people publicly defended him. When it was over he set the all time DoD record quantity for Child Porn being found on a computer...Gigabytes...including stuff with toddlers. As a Squadron/CC I got a call from the 57th Wing/CC around 0200 one Friday night..."why did one of your troops abandon his pregnant wife on the side of I-10 in Florida?...she just called the command post!" The troop in question was a bit odd, he had a few minor slip-ups but nothing major. That being said everyone thought he was guilty. Fast-forward a restraining order and a long investigation, it turns out the lunatic wife was three days from being his ex-wife when the event occured. After having been separated for over a year (bad on him for waiting so long), she was finally served papers which led her to act out. She was NOT pregnant, in fact she had a hysterectomy three years prior. She was living in Jacksonville with her drug dealer boyfriend (who actually dumped her on I-10). As soon as my troop was cleared he went on a quick TDY and when he came back the still almost ex-wife (the courts put the process on hold while he was investigated), had moved into his house...along with her drug dealer boyfriend! I had to move him on base for three months while the courts finished the divorce and she was evicted. Turns out, thanks to my first shirt, the troop had done EVERYTHING by the book, including paying spousal support based on the Florida support calculator. You just never know.
  11. Each stick figure represents 10 kills, otherwise the entire plane would be covered. No comment on the Wedding Party, except to say Prox (airbursting), 105MM's are great for cleaning off a ZU-23/2. This reflects one rotation for this aircraft (probably 5-6 months), in the Mid 2000's.
  12. Not from an exercise...I can assure you.
  13. Sort of and I should clarify...The accused is always assumed innocent from a legal perspective. However there are some additional burdens/limitations on those holding G Series orders: 1. A commander should never default to public statements of innocence or guilt. 2. Commanders and designated Magistrates (many don't realize that the MSG/CC is also a federal magistrate at some bases), have some limitations and requirements that don't allow for absolute proclamations of innocence. As an example a commander will assume innocence and won't administer punishment without due process with all the protections (representation), the accused is entitled to have. However, they may also authorize pre-trial confinement. 3. Serious crimes outside the bounds of NJP go to a Courts Martial which purposely is usually removed from the commander's purview. I had a bad rape case and the defense convinced the judge to bar me from attending the proceedings. I had flown with the accused for many years so they used that to keep me our of the courtroom. I was never going to attend anyway but it was interesting when the judge sent an the order of to the Wing HQ. Make sense?
  14. As I stated I don't defend flyusaf83's statement, indeed a wrong assessment. This is where we differ, I would expect a police chief to defend the law. As a Squadron/CC, Group/CC and Wing/CC I had troops accused of VERY serious crimes. I never defaulted to guilty or innocent, instead I made certain they had every protection provided by due process and the appropriate support mechanisms that all troops are entitled to have. I never made a public statement defending their actions before conducting an investigation. Body cams have changed the game in many ways and they are often viewed in exclusion without context. If one used just the body cam in this case it would certainly appear the shooting was not justified, in fact it was murder. There are certainly other factors in this case that must be investigated, at the top of the list is the female who guided the offer to the apartment and from her call and description to the officer painted a picture of ongoing domestic violence when in fact Roger was int he apartment alone.
  15. Rushing to judgement goes BOTH ways. How in the world can you say @flyusaf83 is rushing to judgement without saying the Police Chief is rushing to judgement as well? I hear what you are saying and fully support the approach of due process, the problem is that in 99% of all cases of suggested police misconduct the first reaction of leadership is to defend the officer's actions and that is just as bad. The Police Chief should not succumb to an admission of guilt NOR should he auto-default to justifying the officers actions. Sadly, police departments make this process PAINFUL. They always investigate themselves then the public has to draw out the truth/facts via FOIA and litigation. Luckily FDLE has the hammer on this one.
  16. Post of the day!
  17. BGen to LtGen - Strong move...solid dude, not as parochial as the other Pave low turds.
  18. Further proof that absolute age is not the issue...it impacts everyone differently. Most importantly there should be a cognitive test at some point...regardless of party affiliation.
  19. Snapinsta.app_video_436298473_816023630397991_8991310158003588515_n.mp4
  20. 2 people in ICE custody after attempting to breach Virginia Marine base Two similar incidents at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California over the past six months. Chinese nationals have accessed military installations and other sensitive facilities in the United States around 100 times in recent years, sometimes by posing as tourists, The Wall Street Journal reported in September 2023. Nothing to see here...no impact at all from open borders.
  21. Boeing may be prosecuted after breaking safety agreement that prevented criminal charges for 737 crashes, US DOJ says Alleging that Boeing lied (shocker), about safety changed that were made.
  22. A human can but apparently a Democrat cannot.
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