You missed the point, I said the V-22 is the wrong aircraft for SOF, not the tilt rotor concept.
How many good people have to die in the process of developing a V-23. That approach might have made sense in WW II, but it is absolutely absurd to take that approach in 2004.
We "might" need it someday? Does your C-21 squadron have access to 3-1, if so you might want to take a look.
I am always in favor of thinking outside the container and trying new things. In fact, I spent three years at the WIC encouraging the SOF community to do just that. However, when one service brings a new system that makes all of the other services change their tactics, training, and equipment, then maybe it is not the answer. It is not just fast rope that everyone will have to change. Most of the current SOF equipment does not fit inside.
I tell you what. I am at maxwell too, I'll meet you at the club Friday afternoon and I'll put my 7+ years in AFSOC against your time in little white jets any day and we will see who is uniformed.