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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. What is unacceptable behavior? Taking down hostage posters - yes, blocking traffic - yes or attacking people - yes...but simply expressing another view point no way. I was driving home two days ago and flipping through CNN and Fox on Sirius. Fox had a retired Army Lt Gen I have never heard before and he was upset with the kids expressing their view of what was happening in Gaza...his commented that if a University allows this type of commenting they should lose their federal funding....uh...NO Fing Way. I find what is being said by these far left groups absolutely appalling, but minus violence it is simply free speech. Free speech is not only free speech you agree with and the government should not try to stifle those expressions. It is one thing for a private citizen to hold them accountable by denying jobs, doxxing, yelling back...that is part of the game, but minus violence and the law, the government should never cross that line.
  2. It is and has been absolutely stunning to me that the country that invented the 24 hour news cycle and has so many talking heads lets terror organizations and ignorant political movements run circles around them. It takes me back to Baghdad Bob, everything is fine, nothing to worry about. I've personally been a victim of it twice during my non-glorious career. Cell phones have changed everything including our attention span...who actually reads the newspaper anymore, everyone gets their news from Facebook, X and Insta. Networks like Fox, CNN and MSNBC limit all segments to three minutes with the hosts cutting an expert off before they even make a salient point. Agree, but tough to control in our society where freedom of the press it literally the very first amendment in our Constitution. I can tell you we do NOT put the government in charge like uncle Joe tried to do with the crazy show tunes singing bitch. It would be great if the press would actually act like the fourth estate and did their job...too much to ask I know.
  3. New #2 Comm Priority. 1. Lead's on Fire 2. Bingo 3. Great tits AND she works for you Boss!
  4. Stopped shipping kits...that's a big deal.
  5. While the world burn in Ukraine and Gaza China wants to F around and find out.
  6. Dozens of FBI sources gave ‘criminal information’ on Bidens that DOJ tried to discredit as ‘foreign disinformation’: Nothing to see here...the liberals are "mostly happy with Biden."
  7. She is not. Salt of the earth and a wonderful pilot/instructor. True, luckily no one was hurt. I doubt the FAA comes after her, especially with her contrition and this being a first offense.
  8. I don't have Tik Tok, you can watch without an account. Poor young lady is upset that a 9-5 job is impacting her social life. https://www.tiktok.com/@brielleybelly123/video/7291443944347405614
  9. I do wonder if for the sake of training more people faster we have given up some of the basic skills. While I didn't train with Orville like Huggy did, I am an old school T-38 dude who did the pencil method, dialed up pie in the sky for my working area and hand flew SIDs using my brain not the autopilot. Unfortunately my skills have atrophied thanks to automation, GPS and giant displays with a god's eye view of the world. A few weeks ago I was flying my airplane up north and was given a SID departing the DC SFRA. I do all my mission planning on foreflight and my plane allows me to squirt (sts), the flight plan directly to the panel from foreflight, an immense time saver. I cranked, got my clearance which was to climb via the SID to a point then expect radar vectors. Foreflight took the plan and I thought all was well until I tried to shoot it to the panel. The airplane did not like it and wanted a transition point from the published SID. The clearance I had did not match and every time I tried to enter an exit point it messed up the flight plan (I was dropping into a private field outside the SFRA for a business meeting). After "fighting" the system for a few minutes I finally said F it, I am a pilot and I will just hand fly the damn SID, which I did with no issues. All the new automation is great and likely prevents many mistakes. My airplane can fly fully coupled approaches and has everything except auto throttles so I don't take the Clint Eastwood Gran Torino approach yelling get off my porch. Instead, I use the automation but am putting more effort into keeping my basic skills sharp by hand flying approaches and such should the gonkulator fail or have a hiccup. I am sure the airline guys have thoughts, isn't most of your flying done through the gonk?
  10. Looks like we were all on about the same time.
  11. Off-duty pilot charged with 83 counts of attempted murder for allegedly trying to shut off engines on Alaska Airlines flight Now you gotta look over your shoulder and watch the jumpseater...
  12. Great article summarizing what I posted the other day. Russian Statistics Service forecasts extinction of Russian population at speed of up to 700,000 people a year Another data point on the impact of the war draining the population of men. Russian Defense Ministry starts to recruit women for war in Ukraine
  13. Cry me a river...I must have missed your outrage when the Liberal hate machine used this VERY playbook the past few years. 1. Liberals Dox Founder of Libs of Tik Tok 2. Doxxing' new liberal weapon for publicly shaming people 3. Former Democratic Senate Aide Gets Probation For Helping Dox Republicans Over Kavanaugh Hearings 4. Five conservative Supreme Court justices doxxed 5. When there was push back against Liberals who did it they cried like little bitches
  14. Up for Admiral as a JAG right, I don't think he ever flew again.
  15. "If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 30, you have no brain." Although falsely attributed to Winston Churchill it is still a great observation.
  16. Amen! And you never forget your first time. I know it gets to be normal ops but I will never forget my first formation landing in the 38. I did NOT want to screw up and I was extremely focused (probably holding the stick so hard I had no blood in my fingers). About halfway down final I distinctly recall having a near out of body experience and thinking "man this is so fucking cool, I wish I could do this...WAIT...I AM doing this!"
  17. T-38 circling....pish posh, try a summertime single-engine pinto pattern right after takeoff in Del Rio.
  18. They have nukes and ambition unlike Brazil and Italy. Also, we are now fighting our FIFTH proxy war with Russia. Whether or not they meet your definition of a Superpower they have been a pacing threat for almost 70 years and have aggressively threatened our interests around the world. Our debt is obviously a huge issue, that being said thus far we have given Ukraine $113B, which represents 22.5 days of deficit debt accumulation at our current rate...yes, that is a HUGE bargain. Data should ALWAYS be be viewed in context. When you look at your math it seems like no big deal, I can assure you it is a HUGE deal. Look at the graphic below, it is not about the impact total population, it is about impact to males in younger age groups, especially in a population with an aging problem like Russia. While it may only be .08 of the total population, these deaths have touched every town and village in Russia. Keep in mind, the number of wounded is double further impacting the working population of males in Russia that will support the growing bubble at the top. Russia conscripts between the ages of 18 and 27, that group of males has a population of 3.9M, the impact of killed and wounded cuts that seven year group of men by over 12%...that my friend is a HUGE deal. And again, the birth rate behind these year groups is decreasing. They are seriously F'd and yes that offers challenges but it does reduce the likelihood that they try to invade another neighbor. Amen brother. I think 99% of the folks on this forum feel the same. Regardless of political affiliation or social belief everyone is part of the 1% that stepped forward to "Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States." I am thankful for each and every one of you REGARDLESS of what side of the aisle your beliefs reside. I think we face threats both outside and inside. I am certainly not the expert on Russia but I have had a particular interest in them since I wrote a paper on them in War College that ultimately led to me to traveling there on exchange. This war has and will change their society.
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