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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. IMHO China is FAR closer to going after Taiwan than most believe. In addition to the rhetoric they have significantly ramped up military actions near Taiwan. Over the past 12 months they have launched ever increasing tests of Taiwan airspace. A few months ago the air packages were 20+ airplanes with one big push of 40+ aircraft including a large number of bombers and AEW aircraft. Last week another large force package crossed the Taiwan ADIZ, including nuclear capable bombers. Strong messaging and shaping for their ultimate goal of unification.
  2. You might be right. But I assume Gen Milley has a good understanding of the nuclear enterprise, and if the reporting is correct, was genuinely concerned enough about Trump's behavior towards the end of his presidency to take drastic action. If Milley ends up resigning or being fired over it, I bet he keeps a clear conscious on the actions be took. Insanity! First, there are procedures that he could have taken inline with the LAW. He can go to the President's cabinet and ask them to invoke the 25th, he can resign in protest, he can even go to the press. If (and we still need to learn the truth), but if he did what is reported...he bypassed the law and effectively staged a coupe. This is beyond serious, this is the very foundation of our system, the bedrock of which is civilian control. Again I know the recent faults with Woodward but for a moment assume lets what he said is true. Milley stepped between civilian control of the nukes, asked officers to swear an oath to him and told the Chicoms he would warn of an attack. This sounds like the plot out of a movie or a military junta taking power in a banana republic. I thought the fiasco leaving Afghanistan was bad but if true this goes beyond resign, this should turn to Courts Martial. We REALLY need to know and understand what happened and find the true, the republic is at stake.
  3. Spot on especially with regard to innocent until proven guilty and Woodward's books. If only the system has taken the same approach to General Flynn... I hope Cotton and others can peal back the onion and I think there should be something even more formal with the DOD IG...perhaps a special counsel. Even if completely innocent and explainable the system and the people need absolute transparency. Since the beginning we have held civilian rule as a basic tenant and the mere perception of improper military influence over power, nuclear weapons or the rule of law is something that needs a microscope. Others have commented on Woodward and his books, obviously he has a halo from the Watergate days but he has indeed become more partisan and INHO sloppy in his older years. He does seem to find "sources" on the periphery and mainstreams their outlandish claims. Milley is clearly a political animal and it is my personal belief that he has leaked some of these and other details. For the good of the country I hope the rest of the accusations are false, if they are not then it certainly adds even more fuel to the deep state argument and potentially undermines our entire way of life.
  4. There is a LOT of spin going on. Jennifer Griffin has always been a straight shooter, used to see her in five sided building all the time. So far she is just reporting what they are telling her on the Jt Staff. This requires a MUCH deeper look. What is VERY clear is Milley is the source for at least part of Woodward's book...he was trying to make himself look good (perhaps set up for his next career move), and now it has backfired on him. The part with Pelosi is equally troubling. For all the political theater around Trump trying to keep power, at least form a perception standpoint, it appears a lot of others were actually trying to take power.
  5. I know Austin is set to testify within the next two weeks, I hope the same for Milley. I am suspicious when it comes to Woodward these days but if even parts of this are true then by definition didn't we have a partial military coupe in this country? If CJCS makes subordinates swear an oath and instructs them to ignore orders from the president...wow just wow...especially as it relates to nukes. Now if Milley wants to make the argument that Trump was not of sound mind, why didn't he come forward? Also and just as concerning, these reporters have know about this for months and they didn't come forward. The press is supposed to be the 4th estate, the final check and balance for the people. Instead it has morphed into an extension of one party with members that are simply trying to become wealthy themselves. These reporters had a duty to come forward and report. IF what they wrote is true and they certainly must believe it is true, the CJCS attempted a coupe and possibly treason, but they kept quite and wrote a book. Example #69 of how broken the press actually is.
  6. To some degree, especially after spending time at Cannon, one of the reasons we went full filtered spring water for all drinking and cooking. Although I think the history and study of fluoride is a far more established science with many years of study. Again, I am not anti-vax...I got the vaccination, so did my wife and ultimately we elected to have our teenager vaccinated. However, WE made that decision as a family. How far do we go with government directed health care? For the greater good shouldn't we all give up red meat, smoking, alcohol?
  7. It wasn't until now that I realized just how far left wack a doodle you really are. Your argument boils down to "just take the pill citizen unless YOU can prove harm." Do you put on your Chairman Mao button-down grey jacket when you type these manifestos? Seriously your beliefs are absolutely freighting. In essence...screw Bob! I, like may others, had some nasty side effects from both vaccines, I was down for almost 48 hours the first time and 36 hours the second...too bad Bob, you have full immunity but you gotta feel like shit for a couple days so the leftists feel better about themselves. Seriously are you really in the U.S. military? You allude to his political beliefs when you can PROVE he will have no harm. I should think that with your thinking we should immediately ban tobacco, alcohol and red meat. Lets have the government issue everyone vegan cud....its for the greater good right? Your "we have made other vaccines like this argument" is beyond flawed. mRNA vaccines have been theory for 30 years, practical for a few years but even the most favorable medical literature says we don't fully understand the long-term effects.
  8. Horrific argument...there is a HUGE difference between running laps to save time and forcing someone to get a vaccine that may cause harm. For the record, I believe in the vaccine, I got it X 2. That being said I thought we were supposed to follow the science? Saying that having a nuanced policy is too idealistic is a terribly lazy argument. We put 10 men on the moon, I think we can figure out a science based approach to vaccination. INHO there should be exceptions and I will use my friend "Bob" as an example. He and his wife both had COVID and are in an antibody study at the University of Houston. His wife's test results show her N series is at 29.6. His is at 123. Her spike protein was 638, his is over 2500. Both N & S are off chart. First of all neither one of them need the vaccine, second, where is the science on how people like this are impacted? If the Clown in Chief is pushing his policy that is the best for everyone, why do illegals get a pass?
  9. Combat Talon...
  10. How far we have fallen when we can't seize an airfield without blinking. I can't even remember how many nights I sat over the airfield killing AAA pieces while the cud chewers flailed in the Chutes and Ladders trying to work timing and spacing. Even back then we could still seize an airfield while the E's burned a weezer blowing smoke out the 105MM and the EWO distracted by the latest edition of Penthouse.
  11. While I agree with Scheller's assessment, I do not agree with his method of execution. That being said he ultimately has to answer to his own conscience. His actions do remind us that we took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and we do have a responsibility to thoughtfully and legally execute the orders we are given, and a duty to refuse illegal orders. I would invite you all to read Breaking Ranks: Dissent and the Military Professional written by a great friend and Marine War College classmate Andrew Milburn. The reaction to his paper was maddening. The great bloviator Tom Ricks from the Wash Po latched on to Andy's paper and wrote a very negative response which demonstrates that even the greatest of authors can have a basic comprehension problem. Andy explored the subject and wrote the paper under the cloak of academic freedom in a forum we are all supposedly encouraged to think deep thoughts. Initially there was some push back from on high, thankfully NDU and other forces stepped in to provide protection.
  12. So he can plead insanity? I think we've seen he is making an ethical choice vice one driven by a mental disorder. Fully understand and know it won't used in legal preceding unless they can hang a mental disorder that requires confinement. This is simply the seniors screwing with him, a little intimidation to go with trying to crush his business.
  13. The system will now play dirty, he was directed by his commander to report for a mental health screening.
  14. Tracking. The current guy saved him because he needed an ally he could control. Current maniac is trying to do as much damage as possible as quickly as possible so it can't be undone. He believes he is the next SOCOM/CC now that the favorite made a mistake and retired. If he fleets up and Cat 5 replaces him the damage will last a generation. As many have noted, dark days ahead for AFSOC.
  15. Fair enough...some of those may be deserved in the Cud Chewing community. However, was it in the middle when he crucified a U-28 bro with non-judicial punishment for losing his weapon then lost his own weapon in the shitter with ZERO consequences? How funny that his command chief found the weapon and returned it to him quietly. Was it in the middle when he ran a CV-22 into the trees and tried to keep going...then almost dodged the Q-3 when everyone else got one? I've personally talked to someone on that flight who thought for sure "he was dead" when they almost flipped over into the trees. I am far to close to the situation and know much of the inside baseball...He was toast but another maniac GO stepped in and told the boss "I can save and fix him." I was also in the room with that boss when he said "some people we can't let fail because they are so many years below the zone." They are so obsessed with making AFSOC/GOs they were willing to overlook a narcissistic lunatic.
  16. Sadly, yes. One of the worst humans I have ever met.
  17. It must have been a huge SVEST. In addition to 13 American Servicemen killed and 18 American Servicemen wounded there were 94 Afghans killed.
  18. Another (possibly larger), imminent attack may be underway. Also, small arms fire just reported at east gate.
  19. I see the toxicity continues. A horrific sitting AFSOC three star gave double digit command directed Q-3s when he was a squadron commander.
  20. First and foremost Trump would not have withheld airpower from the Afghan Army.
  21. Peter Doocy asked a real question today and Biden nearly fell asleep trying to formulate an answer.
  22. Stay safe brother, thank you for what you are doing.
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