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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. Never got into the Porsche thing, I guess my crank is too big. Always been a fan of American Muscle, they won't turn for shit but look great going in a straight line. Here is my baby - Just finished rebuilding the motor (327 HP), now turning 450HP on the dyno...that's a lot for a light fiberglass car.
  2. Maybe scroll up a few posts...
  3. Down from 69,740 to 55,195 in two days...something has changed.
  4. Everyone leaves out the confirmed people who have already had COVID which is another 30M. While they are saying people who have had should still get the vaccine, of the 111 Million world-wide confirmed cases there are only 25 confirmed reinfection cases which is a rate of 0.00002 %, to me that proves your immunty lasts far longer than they want to admit. I believe they some of the "top virologists" also postulate that there a large segment of the population who have had COVID but are not aware. I've read several studies and articles that suggest between 30% and 80% of the people who get COVID are asymptomatic and unaware they have had the virus. Dr Fauci has been using the 40% number. There is also disagreement over the number it will take to get herd immunity. Dr Fauci is saying 70% to 80%, many others say it will be the more typical 50%. The numbers above have some big variations that make it difficult to calculate a certaintity Whatever "science" you choose to believe one thing is certain, something has changed and the infections rate is dropping dramtically. The U.S. high was on Jan 8th, 2021 with 300,619 new cases per day (holiday bump?), as of yesterday the U.S. infection rate had fallen 78% to 69,740 per day. If you look at the trend line you will see that since January the trend line drops faster than BQZips Mom's panties at a frat party. That drop has continued as even more and more places are opening up.
  5. That controller was DETERMINED to help him. Three times he said we need to run some checklists.
  6. The T-2 Nav Mafia.
  7. The PaveLow mafia took over again.
  8. Understood, just telling you with the AFSOC/CC is submitting the POM.
  9. Not for long....AFSOC wants and plans in the POM to kill the 6th SOS and everything AvFID.
  10. The sins are not even in the universe. Ted Cruz went on vacation during a snow and ice storm. As a senator not much he could do more than symbolic gestures. Optics bad, yes but he didn't kill anyone. Cuomo is DIRECTLY responsible for many deaths, withheld information from the Justice Department and lied about. Come on man. When dividing the "sides" of the media at least be relative and honest. On the conservative side of televised media you have one player FoxNews (although newsmax is growing an audience). On the liberal side is the VAST majority of CNN/MCNBC/CBS/ABC/NBC. It is David versus Goliath which is why Foxnews gets higher ratings than all of the left wingnut networks combined.
  11. A Fucking MEN! Liberal media needs a reason to NOT report on Cuomo so they focus on Ted going on vacation. You want to talk about lies...thankfully DOJ and the FBI are investigating the joke that is the NY Governor and his staff. Over at the joke that is CNN Brother Fredo Cuomo has been absolutely silent about a controversy that may have caused 1,000 unnecessary deaths.
  12. "Top end virologists" Says who? I am not a fan of Laura Ingram but was scanning around and watched an interview on her show last night. She had two "Top End Epidemiologists", one a fellow at Stanford, the other at Harvard. Both were in lock step agreement that we will achieve herd immunity by April. Having had a nasty case of COVID I am especially sensitive to news about mutations and how immunity may be impacted. I have yet to see a single scientific article that says any of the mutations is more deadly. Thus far the only proven change is some of the variants have higher transmmisability. The real problem is in your first few words "from TV", it is the sensationalistic press that is driving a fear narrative on mutations. Cases in point: Headline from the Atlantic The Mutated Virus Is a Ticking Time Bomb - first line of the article "there is much we don’t know about the new COVID-19 variant" Headline from the NY Times Covid-19: The U.S. Has Its Own New Worrisome Variants - near the top of the article "It’s not clear yet whether this shared mutation makes the variants more contagious" Headline from Vox How the new Covid-19 variants could pose a threat to vaccination - but they go on the clarify "While there’s no evidence they cause more severe disease, more cases mean further stress on hospitals and, after that, a rising death rate" The BBC had a very good article explaining the mutations and clearly stated from the science "Although there is no information that infections with these strains are more severe, due to increased transmissibility" To even further demonstrate the disconnect among "Top virologists" you might look at the Great Barrington Declaration - Which has signatures from thousands of "Top end doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, scientists and other medical professionals advocating to immediately end the lockdowns and go to a "focused protection approach.
  13. One-third of military service members have opted not to receive COVID-19 vaccinations I wonder how much longer they stay "optional"?
  14. Five minutes after I posted above this pops up in my news. French military jets cut off village's power supply by flying low
  15. 69 years ago while I was waiting to start UPT I was assign to OG/CC to help with an investigation and Court Martial (I was the admin bitch boy). In short, at another base one of the IFF T-38 IPs cancelled IFR on the way back to the base from a cross country and did an unauthorized low-level. While doing so he clipped a power line and sheared the travel pod off the bottom of the jet (he got lucky and didn't crash). There was obviously damage to the jet and damage to the power line, but thankfully no damage to anyone or anything else on the ground. The powers that be sent him to a court martial and the OG was the only rated dude on the board! The others wanted to send the IP to jail for an extended period of time for destruction of government property. Luckily the OG prevailed.
  16. Completely disagree. The AT-802 with the L3Harris mods is a GENERATION beyond the IOMAX Archangel...think U-28 on steroids. Also, the 802 factory is still churning out aircraft for the commercial market at a record pace (over 800 802s have been built.) IOMAX is in bankruptcy and was bought on the cheap for this endeavor. 75 airplanes is a substantial buy and having the logistical backbone to support is just as important as building the actual aircraft. Also, the IOMAX mission management system is a joke. The Bronco II is flawed in MANY ways. I have seen it out flying in my local area (they are doing U.S. based development and testing at Crestview.) The aircraft is fragile in my opinion and will carry about half what the 802 can carry with a much shorter duration of flight. While they make a big deal about taking Bronco II to the dirt, having done the dirt, a pusher prop is the LAST platform I want to take to an unimproved strip. Every rock, chunk of dirt or debris that airplane kicks up is going straight through the prop. Also as you mention the lack of U.S. production is a huge political concern, are we really going to send up to $2B worth of aircraft production to South Africa AND rely on another country for logistical support (one of the reasons we are walking away from the A-29). The FAA cert is another hurdle that is both high and expensive. The IFR cert alone is a $10M piece of paper. To date only two Bronco II's have been built and flown...there is much work to do.
  17. I put down the $100 deposit for the Tesla Truck, would be useful around town and running errands.
  18. Bad MO FO Insane load outs with unreal station time.
  19. Other threads have touched on the actions of Facebook, Twitter and other big tech and social media companies as a result of their actions during the election. We have also talked about the pros and cons of eliminating the protections they enjoy from section 230. Twitter suspended a major news organization (NY Post), because they didn't like the Hunter Biden story and labeled it "fake news" when parts have now been proven to be true. Twitter and Facebook have also killed President Trumps accounts. Now Facebook is in a war with an actual country as the battle for control heats up. Facebook Unfriends Australia Interested in the thoughts of others.
  20. Depending on what data you look at, as an American you are between 8 and 50+ times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist. We spend trillions of $ on defense which is obviously needed but perhaps we should focus a bit more on the internal. I am in no way saying all the blame lays with police officers (my brother is a cop), but maybe we can help the entire system with a bit more understanding and new approaches. As a small segway, the following is a list of other things that are more likely to kill you than a terrorist: Brain-Eating Parasites, Texting While Driving, Accident caused by a Toddler, Lightning, A Deer, Falling Out of Bed, Food Poisoning, Choking On Food, Bathtub Accident, Financial Crash, Being crushed to death, Medical Errors and my personal favorite...Autoerotic Asphyxiation.
  21. Same here. My son has also been sent home twice and quarantined three times (the last time because he got COVID from his Grandmother.) We have a family friend and her son has been sent home and quarantined six times so far this school year. One of the local high schools had to send home 43 students from one class the first day because the teacher didn't build a manual seating chart to document where everyone was sitting (CDC requirement). One of the kids in the class had a family member with COVID so they sent the entire chorus class home for 14 days. We have a family friend that teaches at my son's school and at one point just before Christmas she told us 40% of the students at our son's middle school were out on out quarantine. She also told us the kids were remarkably disciplined about wearing masks and washing hands (shocking with a bunch of 13 year olds), and that most of the students caught back up and recovered on school work and syllabus. When out on quarantine they don't go to full virtual learning but the teachers post all class and homework so if they have a positive influence at home they can stay on course. We've been lucky, even with my son out three times he maintained 5 A's and one B. All of that being said, we don't have a single documented case of student to student or student to teacher transmission. IMHO Florida got it right opening school back up so soon.
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