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Everything posted by streak

  1. The gray-tail deportation theater appears to have run its course. Do you suppose it got DOGE’d for its inefficiency? Will Elon take credit for canceling it? https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/trump-deportation-flights-paused-cost-c37c577a?st=krQpMN&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  2. John Bolton is not a Kash Patel fan. https://www.wsj.com/opinion/kash-patel-doesnt-belong-at-the-fbi-cabinet-nominee-5ef655eb?st=RKnmfX&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  3. I wonder how Miley would have responded to one of his staff describing the former president as a “wannabe dictator” on the record. Instead of taking the high road to attempt to keep the institution above politics, he once again wades in unnecessarily.
  4. California's ANG dumpster fire smolders on. This time it was their O-7 Asst TAG. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-07/a-top-general-is-fired-from-the-scandal-plagued-california-national-guard
  5. These 1950s instruments finally began to transition to glass in 2018. We shared the same (tumbling) ADI as the T-38s. Sometimes you had to tap on the CDI to knock loose the needle so the localizer would come off the wall.
  6. maybe their messaging was more reassuring this time than it was during the last fleetwide grounding three years ago? https://www.defensenews.com/air/2022/09/30/air-force-grounds-most-c-130hs-due-to-cracked-propeller-barrels/
  7. After my first spontaneous pneumothorax in '07 I got bi-lat mechanical pleurodesis. I had another pneumo in '18. Full recoveries. To the suprise of my flight doc, the AF waived me to fly after each--I'd expect it's tougher to get that waived before pilot training, though. I retired a couple years ago, and have so far failed (to the surprise of my AME) to convinced the FAA to approve a Special Issuance for any class of med certificate. The FAA Aeromedical Certification Division has been much more painful to work with than the military...and that's saying something! FWIW, the VA rates my pneumothorax history at 0% service-connected disability.
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/10/28/vaccine-mandate-air-force/ no religious exemptions for vaccines in The Navy in seven years?
  9. I wonder how this will play out for the ~10% (I'd guess) of folks who test "waist measurement-only" due to a variety of acute and/or chronic conditions. The waist measurement was the only health standard we enforced for this group, and now that's gone.
  10. Interesting that our troop presence in Afghanistan was one of the highlighted examples in this essay. I mostly like the rest of the ideas, but our effectiveness in South Asia seems ambiguous at best https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-11-23/defense-depth
  11. Back in ye olden days, Navy leadership at Corpus Christi encouraged us to carry FAA DPEs in our Navy planes for ATPs (we took a short PTDY to fly to the DPE’s airport, usually knocking out a required NATOPS eval enroute). It still sounds ludicrous, but that’s how we rolled.
  12. https://www.airforcemag.com/spangdahlem-loss-of-fighter-mission-doesnt-mean-the-end-of-the-base/
  13. https://www.afpc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2137211/air-force-postpones-boards-due-to-covid-19-restrictions/ Boards scheduled for 8 June have been postponed, but 4 May board (LAF LtCol) still on schedule.
  14. Apollo 11: documentary compilation of original footage from the mission. Excellent.
  15. AFPC says Wg/CCs were instructed that all flying training begun prior to 1 Nov 18 will be grandfathered under the old 36-2107's ADSC rules. HAF/A1 is working on the PA/implementation guidance to released...sometime.
  16. Base FSSs received no implementation guidance. MAJCOM/A1 claims they don't remember reviewing the new 36-2107. Everybody is looking to AFPC for guidance. No answers.
  17. Our functional went completely NORDO about 3 weeks ago right after we got the "must pay" list for the winter VML--still no assignment notifications. In other news, our FSS said that we should expect the '10 Maj board to be delayed & possibly re-introduce PRFs.
  18. Coolest BBQ grill in Lebanon.
  19. Without Mardon, where are you buying all the new required OCP flair like Velcro wings and such?
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