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  1. Lol you can skype the entire time, unless your roommate sucks. They dont monitor that stuff, facetime on the phone is probably a bit safer just do it at night and be quiet its no big deal. They know we do it, they know everything that goes on just stay in your room and dont go walking around the hallways on your phone and youll be fine.
  2. I believe 3-4 did not make it through the program last class. It's not easy.
  3. Just finished IFS a few weeks ago. The course differs from pilots in several ways. You do not have to do several maneuvers on a daily basis like they do and you really dont have to be proficient at landing. You will still land the airplane everyday but you just have to be able to do it at an unsat level, aka dont crash the damn plane. You will takeoff and fly all the way to your VNAV route or area and then the IP will take over and do the route while you navigate him, he is essentially an auto pilot for you. In the area you will do either slow flight, a power on stall, or a power off stall. You will do this each time you go out but again you dont have to be able to do it a fair level just unsat. You will then fly all the way back and do a touch and go before the IP takes over for the SFL. You will need to be able to make all the radio calls as well.You will do all the maneuvers the pilots do on your first 3 rides but you will just do them once and then move on. Guard guys and active duty guys have the same program you are essentially an active duty guy for the next few years while your in training.
  4. Well you get paid for an extra 2 weeks so no complaints there! Additionally you do some extra field work and get to qualify on the M9. Go shoot it a few times if you want to qualify as expert the double action on it isn't the most user friendly. You will do some DSCA training and other field leadership exercises, a few more academics also. Overall, as a non prior, I learned a lot while at AMS. Now, I was discouraged by the complete lack of planning and organization. I am hoping this was because we were the first 8 week class, they have plenty of time to clean things up for you guys so I imagine things will go much more smoothly. Just remember it's a mind game, for the first 2-3 weeks you will do nothing right, they will tell you that none of you will make it through the program and some people dont. Focus on your academics, if you fall below an 80% average they will send you home plain and simple. Just be confident in everything you do, they are training leaders and expect you to act like one, they aren't there to baby anybody. Take calculated risks, maintain your military bearing at all times, help out flight members who are struggling, be a leader. Let me know if you guys have an specific questions, I am heading to IFS tomorrow so my answers might be sparse over the next month.
  5. If you already have mess dress you need to bring it. I was in the last class (14-04), we were the first class to wear mess dress it was mandatory. If you don't want to spend the $400+ there is a place right across the base you can rent it from for $60 bucks plus whatever it costs for your medals which you can buy there also. If you have any further questions about AMS don't hesitate to ask! I was part of the first 8 week class and some things have def. changed. Good luck!
  6. Non prior as well, you can go into your ADLS and print it off at anytime under the My Transcript tab. Although I'm guessing you can't access ADLS from home, just thought it may help in the future! If any of you haven't printed that out yet surely you could find a way once we got down there, it literally takes 2 minutes. On another note, anyone getting in town Friday night and paying for their own hotel? Me and another classmate from my unit are splitting a room, let me know if you guys want to grab dinner or a beer Friday night!
  7. Swore in Oct 2012, finally leave for AMS in 2 weeks so I have been doing this for quite a while every single drill. Here is our recipe: 1. Turn Warmer ON 2. Put in 1 cup of oil 3. Turn Pot Heater ON 4. Add jalapenos, 4 heaping scoops. 5. Allow jalapenos to cook until they begin to get brown, too soon and you don't get the proper crispness, too late and you get black jalapenos that are burnt. Proper jalapenos should be crispy on the outside with just a hint of juice when you bite into them. 7-8 minutes is normally good. 5. Fill popcorn cup and pour into kettle. 6. Turn stirrer ON -IMPORTANT - steps 5 and 6 are to be done simultaneously. 7. Wait until you no longer hear any popping and dump kettle. 8. Consume jalapeno popcorn. * We salt our own popcorn, but I will occasionally add a tbsp of butter salt to the batch if I'm feeling bold. EDIT - Had a Colonel tell me they used pickles back in the day instead of jalapenos and he preferred it that way, I haven't tried it like this but I am assuming it would be delicious.
  8. I took my PT test last drill along with another guy who is going to the 23 March class, the above information stating a PT test must be done no earlier than 60 days prior and no later than 7 days prior to AMS is correct. They just want to make sure you can pass your test, they don't want people being sent down who fail the first test and have to be sent home.
  9. Looks like the wife and kids will be coming down with me! Anyone have good information on places to live off base? Good realty companies to work with? I hear out the back gate is the better place to stay but what has your guys' experience been like. Homes, condo's apartments? Thanks for the input.
  10. For all future AMS students, just got an email from GB stating that all future AMS classes will be 8 weeks, starting with the 23 March class. It also stated active duty guys were coming down to 9.5 weeks from 12.
  11. Any non priors, or even priors for that matter, having trouble with uniforms? Seems like I was issued about half of what is on the AMS checklist located on the Holms Center website. Wasn't issued any of the winter gear (coats, fleeces, cap, etc.), the website says that its required for anyone attending OCT-MAR. My unit supply said they wont order any of that, they are out of funds? Thanks for the help guys.
  12. Still nothing on my end, but I will see you there! Got all my uniforms last drill, sent me everything except my blues coat and blues belt. I wear size 10 shoe and they decided I better just go ahead and wear 8.5!
  13. OP, I was selected as a CSO right off the street into the ANG. If that is what you want to do go for it. Get your degree, continue researching the career field, and start preparing for AFOQT. Possibly wouldnt hurt to get some local flying under your belt also, would help you somewhat with the AFOQT and your pilot should be able to give you a quick run down of instruments and aeronautical terms. If you have any more questions PM me and good luck!
  14. Not sure why they are telling you its a rumor when its came down the pipeline already. NGB sent an email to base training, saying that my dates have changed. That is set in stone to me. Now I suppose they could go back and switch it to the original dates but as of today I am leaving 24 March not 31 March
  15. I do not have those orders yet. I received two seperate emails from base training letting me know that my dates have been changed. Another new hire, who is heading to the same AMS class as me also got his dates changed. I will give you guys more information after this next drill, I'll see if I can get more information as to why, but from what I have heard they just simply increased the amount of training days for AMS.
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