This assumes it was an Active Duty crew that mistook the field for their intended destination. We are all task-saturated and our AFRC brothers and sisters have double duty as they manage the pull from their civilian employers and some of the AD-isms (PT, taskers, MICT, etc) that have unfortunately creeped into their lives.
There are commercially available tools for the ipad that overlay your present position on a sectional and approach plate like Foreflight HD combined with a Dual bluetooth GPS that I spent the money on last year and it has been a great tool. I can see my exact position on any taxi diagram in the CONUS and position on an approach plate.
Assuming they were direct from OCONUS, I am sure the powers that be will look at the fatigue tracker, pre-mission planning, briefings enroute/prior to descent, and luckily no one was hurt and the jet stopped on the available surface albeit the incorrect one.
We can lambast the crew all we want and I am sure their worst critics are going to be themselves.