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Everything posted by Smokin

  1. For officers (at least the Surface Warfare Officers), they are assinged a certain ship, not really a particular job. During their career they move around to similar, but different jobs so they when they eventually (hopefully) command a ship, they know just about everything about everything on the ship. Not sure how it works differently for rated guys, but I'll bet that they are assigned a ship as well just like we're assigned a base. [ 26. February 2005, 15:43: Message edited by: Stud@ENJJPT ]
  2. Yup, the math formula was what I was looking for. We still TLAR it, but it'll be nice to have a rough idea of what I'm looking for before I step for my checkride. An IP suggested spinning the winds for a heading on final and I figured since we already have a spreadsheet that does timings, why not have it do a heading also? Thanks for the help.
  3. Anyone know the formula they use to get wind drift on the wiz wheel? I'm trying to make a spread sheet to calculate the wind drift on final for some approaches we shoot a lot. I already have one that can work the timing, just want to add headings too.
  4. Most AD studs are glad to have guard guys in their class. One more guy they don't have to worry about competing with.
  5. I've done it, just make sure you've got a long runway with no 50' power lines (two guys and two girls, so not four offensive linemen). Once you're in the air and away from the runway, no prob, just watch the takeoff.
  6. Smokin

    Mask fit

    I just got issued the combat edge a few weeks ago. Went to the chamber and it hurt so bad I couldn't even listen to the instructors talking. Afterwards, went to life support and found the oldest, crustiest guy there. He figured out my mask was a size too small, got me a new one and it fits great. Nose is still a little red when I finish, but amazingly better.
  7. Dirty Dick's is a good place to eat (if you don't mind being hassled or ignored by the staff). Unless you have too much money, just grab some nachos there and one or two drinks and move on. The nachos are easily a meal by themselves (lots of food no matter what you order) but the drinks are expensive. If you're AD, you can't get a car on your orders, just wait and see if some guys bring one, some will if they live close. Also, don't take the shuttle from the airport to Brooks, it takes forever, just take a cab.
  8. Having JUST finished all that stuff a last week, it will take the full time to check in. I would even follow IGB's advice and show up early if you can. My RNLTD gave me one work week to get everything done and I didn't have time to finish everything. Had I shown up a day or two earlier, it would have helped out a lot. Since you're probably casual right now, your CC will probably let you go early. Also, I think it will help to know that stuff.
  9. Isn't the point of a message board to be able to interact with people who may know more than you do about something you enjoy hearing about? Just a few years ago I was one of those ROTC kids who knew very little about flying. Now I'm on my way to flight school, but you can be sure that I'm going to at least try to turn around and help those ROTC kids whenever I can just like some of you have helped me. I agree that everyone posting their PCSM score is dumb, but lets not discount all other topics because they are not strictly about flying.
  10. If you are contracted, you are allowed. all you need is a military ID and a paper from your Det that says you're "on leave". Of course you don't get leave, but it's just a paper you need. You will be the lowest priority for getting seats, but the same catagory as the majority of passangers. There are a few good books out there you should get before trying it, it can be a little tricky sometimes (also some good websites- just do a google search). I did it twice as a cadet, it was a blast both times, just make sure you have some extra money (and time) in case you get stuck somewhere. [ 02. September 2004, 22:46: Message edited by: ENJJPT2B ]
  11. You should check with your wing staff, I only had cadets wear their uniform when they're on campus between 0800-1700, unless they were in their dorm room, had a job, or a PE class or something. You shouldn't have to wear it at the airport just because it's LLAB day.
  12. Not really a joke, but I always liked "zipper-suited sun god"
  13. Smokin


    Little off topic, but why would they name a chopper "hoplite"? It dosen't make too much sense to name a light, flying machine after a heavily armored acient greek infantryman.
  14. There'll be lots of both (lazy fat***'s and 5 minute jocks), I agree that the morning is the best time to work out. If you don't make time at the start of the day, it's too easy to skip a work out to do something less productive (like study for a test).
  15. Smokin


    There ya go, forgot about all those little icons.
  16. Smokin


    So when do we get these dog tags anyway? First thing I'm doing is taking my motorcycle out and playing sand volleyball ... just kiddding. [ 27. July 2004, 11:01: Message edited by: ENJJPT2B ]
  17. As my username suggests, I'll be there this fall, really looking forward to seeing the short bus. Maybe I'll can race it with my 99 saturn!
  18. That was strange with the same response/time thing...jynx for coke, 1,2,3... jtpuro- it may be a little more complicated for you. Did you sign an individual lease or as one of three people on the same lease? If it was an individual, you should be able to get your money back without too much of a problem. You still should be able to get it back regardless. At 30 days (or more) out from when you move, mail a letter to your landlord saying that you are going on active duty (I assume you're ROTC) and are getting a PCS. He probably has never heard of the SCRA before, so you'll probably have to explain to him. The full text of the law is avaliable on the internet, I'd print it out, highlight the part that applies to you, and include it in your letter.
  19. Your chances may also depend on what you were disenrolled for in ROTC and if that has been addressed.
  20. JS is right. The Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Act says that anyone who is going on active duty, or is on active duty and getting a PCS, can give their landlord a written notice 30 days in advance of the move, and be released from their contract. FYI: If you're deployed overseas it offers even more protections, such as termination of car leases and puts a cap on most interest rates at 6% https://www.military.com/Resources/Resource...1044--1,00.html
  21. Some people here seem to be ragging on USAA, slightly off topic, but what do you guys think about them? I was thinking similar to future16driver, but probably looking at a decent used car instead of a new one to replace my soon-to-be-wife's old junker. USAA seems like a good deal for a loan for that.
  22. I am by no means an expert, but I have traveled Space-A a few times. From what I learned, never count on getting to go anywhere on any given day. A friend and I took a hop to CA from Offutt a few years ago, found an outgoing flight our first try, getting back was another story, took us almost a week and still had to buy a comm. ticket from Scott to Omaha. The only fairly sure flights are Medivac flights, and those are only sure for the start and end destination for each day. Make sure you have lots of time planned to get back. Buy those Space-A travel help books, call ahead to the bases and ask the guys running the PAX how likely they think it is to get hops going where you want. As soon as you get into a base, register yourself at the PAX to get as early of a date as possible to help make sure you get a seat coming back. Most of all, be flexiable and enjoy being wherever you are. If you do, you'll have a great time, if not, you'll always be frustrated because things will not work as planned. Flights will be canceled and you'll have problems, so just have fun wherever you are while you're waiting.
  23. One more thing- If the Air Force wants something that will give better camouflage, wouldn’t it be better to have computer and file cabinet patterns on the BDU’s instead of tiger stripe? Maybe some wrenches for the maintenance guys?
  24. Not sure if anyone remembers this or if some were around then, but the reason that the Air Force changed to the current BDU's is because there was some confusion during Panama. The Army and Marines, wearing the current BDU's, almost shot some Air Force dudes because they didn't recognize the uniform as American. So here we are, 20-odd years later making the same mistakes again. Why does the Air Force have to look distinctive? Who cares if I can tell if someone is Air Force or Army at 100 yards? Plus, the blue looks really dumb.
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