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Flight Lead

Flight Lead (3/4)



  1. Hey dude, little old now, but hopefully these words from a passed-over career O-4 will help. The pilot shortage is real. We need pilots, especially pointy-nosed dudes. When my cc told me I was passed over, he gave me stats on how few 11Fs are in my year group (low double digits), and said we’ll try again next year. I seriously doubt I have a shot at O-5, but the AF needs pilots. If you want to stay in and keep flying, the AF is going to be all about it. I had 3 buddies get passed over for O-3 last year. 2 said they didn’t want to promote and wanted to bail. The third guy was a good guy, terrible pilot, and got picked up for O-4 this year. The new promotion system is trash. If you really want to make O-4, let your boss know and try to stand out. Expect the worst, but plan for the best.
  2. Does anyone have experience dealing with getting continuation after a DNP? Some NJP is in the picture from a few years ago that I thought I had recovered from, but that still played into a DNP for my first look at O-5. I’m assuming it’s not going to change next year. I’ve assumed I would get double passed over, but I was expecting a Promote at least. Does a DNP likely mean a DNP next year and how does that affect continuation? Thanks for any experiences.
  3. Is anyone familiar with this assignment and area? I’m looking at potentially leaving the CAF to go there, but I don’t know much about it. Thanks.
  4. I did already accept the 15 a little while back. It wasn't worth trying to fight it. They didn't go for anything remotely near what was lied about, only what I had done, ended, and owned up to. It's extremely minor and complete overkill to be a 15 in my opinion. I talked to one of the other leaders involved who told me the wg/cc was dead set on crushing me, the 15 was no bluff. My home-station leadership has had my back the whole way. I know getting promoted is about 99% out of the question, but if I can stay an O-4, hit 20, and keep flying, I'm perfectly happy with that.
  5. Oh I did. The advice was basically - this guy has it out for you. Give him nothing. Even as an O-4 you think it's doubtful to make 20?
  6. I'll gladly share it privately, but nothing I want to throw out there publicly just yet. I've had multiple commanders tell me it should have been an LOA at max.
  7. That's some good info, thanks. I don't know how it works differently for officers. I'm hoping that over a decade of good service, getting a 15, and another decade of service means an honorable.
  8. Ahh ok. That makes sense. My understanding is if you get an article 15 from one command and they don't pursue to kick you out, that any future commanders wouldn't look to kick you out because of that unless you have future misconduct. As long as you have a clean record post-15, then you should expect an honorable.
  9. As an officer, do administrative disciplines affect the type of discharge you receive if you have good conduct until you retire/separate? For example, if you have 10 years of good service and get an article 15, then have 10 more years of good service, can you expect an honorable discharge?
  10. Is this real? If it is, I really hope no one takes him seriously.
  11. Major confirmed by the Senate!!!
  12. The guy that fired him is one of the better leaders I’ve had in my career. He’s a really standup guy from what I’ve seen.
  13. Indeed. It’s been sitting on their desk since the 18th, and in their office since July 22d...
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