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Everything posted by scoobs

  1. I heard that instructors can use the planes to fly wherever they want on the weekends.Does anybody know if this is true.
  2. Is it hard to get assigned a C-12?And isn't that considered a remote tour.And it doesn't matter what helo you come from?Thanks
  3. Can helo pilots go to C-12's?
  4. Pab how hard is it to bum in the tanker?
  5. Thanks for the post.I talked to one guy whos commander make them fly at least once a week.And this is for everybody.
  6. scoobs

    T-6 ?

    Yeah I just stumbled onto it.The website is clemsonpilot.com
  7. How often do you have to fly to maintain currency in a heavy unit.And is drill weekend required and can you do it any weekend?Also what does drill consist of.Sorry for the dumb questions.
  8. How hard is it to pick up trips.I know it depends on how many bums are in the unit.What are considered good locations compared to bad locations?Also is it possible to be gone 20+ days a month? [ 28. February 2005, 15:49: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  9. Thanks for the great post.How long is a normal trip or does it depend. [ 23. February 2005, 01:50: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  10. I have talked to people in this unit but they are busy so I might as well ask all my questions.I know that they have C-17's coming and 135's.Is there a chance to guard bum,how long to upgrade,what kind of trips are available and how long to a full time position?Thanks
  11. I was reading a T-6 journal and he didn't mention any weather classes in Phase 1.Did they get rid of that class? [ 19. February 2005, 19:01: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  12. How hard is it to get selected for the aircraft not at Andrews?And I heard that the 89th was top heavy,lots of majors and LtC. [ 04. March 2005, 13:23: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  13. Thanks I guess it just depends on the person.It seems like the C-17 reserve units are just as busy as AD.
  14. I talked to a BBJ pilot out of Hickam and they get to wear bags,is this still true.
  15. I talked to quite a few AD guys and they all said they would have gone to the reserves over AD.Can any AD guys tell me if you would have gone that route instead.Is the reserves that much better?Thanks
  16. I talked to an 89th guy and he said that he didn't have to wear blues.Also they have those aircraft besides DC.
  17. Why is it mostly bad?
  18. The eye of the Viper is a good book but if you look at reviews it show that its not all true.
  19. What did you decide?
  20. Does anybody have any experience with Bellancas and is there any aerobatic aircraft that would also be good for cross country flying?
  21. BRAC has not even come out yet.Everything so far are rumors.
  22. As far as the Mormon comment you sound your shocked.I knew an F-15E pilot who was a mormon and he said he get comments like that and thinks that there funny.There are tons of mormons in the service and as long there protecting there country its alright. [ 09. January 2005, 13:05: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  23. Check out military.com they have base info for all branches.
  24. Does time go by fast on flying days.I know 10 to 12 hours seems a lot but is it that bad.
  25. scoobs

    Red Flag

    What is maple flag like?
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