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GBock last won the day on October 10 2011

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  1. As opposed to a non-nuclear EMP? Sent from my SM-G900P using Baseops Network Forums mobile app
  2. Another thread that you guys make me LOL in. https://www.afpc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123470944 The PSDM with the selectee list should be out early next week on mypers. The folks heading to McConnell and a few going to Altus will complete Type-1 (Boeing Contracted) training. Others will be the small group try out class at Altus. Training should occur in the next year.
  3. LOL at this entire discussion, but especially this:
  4. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who said he saw something on the internet that he's making his staff stand at attention and recite the airman's Creed at the beginning and end of every day. And they are making him a five star general, and he's simultaneously going to be the wing and operations group commander at every base, all at once. Oh, and there must be seven teeth showing on every flight suit, especially on blues Thursdays which he's bring back. Un ing real. The air force is doomed.
  5. There will be an update to the Initial Operational Test & Evaluation PSDM soon. Then an Initial Cadre board, then it should be opened for the normal assignment process in the 2-3 year time frame.
  6. KC-135 does not have it, not even in B45. Most of the MAF aircraft have it funded with installations starting in FY-18. The ones that dont already have it funded have it as part of a high priority AMP or CNS/ATM upgrade and should still have it by 2020.
  7. KC-46 has 18 pallet position, dual row. The fuselage contours at about 36" inches, so you're limited to the size of each pallet in the dual row config. When carrying seat pallets and the ATGL, cargo capacity is obviously even more limited. KC-46 is not designed to be the biggest, fastest, most capable cargo hauler, pax carrier, refueler, but it does all of those things "okay".
  8. 767-2C just departed on it's first flight.
  9. Your instructor certificate is worthless. If you showed the FSDO examiner that you were an IP in the T-6, your instructor certificate should say: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR AIRPLANE SINGLEENGINE INSTRUMENT AIRPLANE The way it currently reads, you can't instruct in a single engine or multiengine aircraft because that category and class doesn't appear on your certificate. You can't even instruct instrument flying in any type aircraft until you have an aircraft category and class on your instructor certificate. 14 CFR 61.195 ( b ) Aircraft Ratings. A flight instructor may not conduct flight training in any aircraft for which the flight instructor does not hold: (1) A pilot certificate and flight instructor certificate with the applicable category and class rating; and (2) If appropriate, a type rating. ( c ) Instrument Rating. A flight instructor who provides instrument training for the issuance of an instrument rating, a type rating not limited to VFR, or the instrument training required for commercial pilot and airline transport pilot certificates must hold an instrument rating on his or her pilot certificate and flight instructor certificate that is appropriate to the category and class of aircraft used for the training provided. Back to the FSDO for you!
  10. Not gunna happen. https://www.stripes.com/news/air-force/fairchild-afb-crews-to-leave-kyrgyzstan-1.248454 ...but, that doesn't rule out some other potential "good deal" down the road.
  11. If we need a calculator to choose who has the ability to perform in the next higher rank, we might be doing it wrong.
  12. If you were in-tune with mobility plans and the commanders on the ground, this wouldn't be a question.
  13. Looks like you could have used an exec.
  14. That rapid separation from the reciever [sic] will get ya everytime.
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