We are obviously a bunch of dinosaurs. I spent quite a bit of time walking around those mainframe rooms and sitting in dad’s office while waiting on the company helicopter. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
I remember these stacks of computer paper and punch cards all over the house when I was a kid growing up. My dad was a computer programmer in the early days with main frames that took up entire massive rooms. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
Not sure you know, but I was not a fan of him. SQ/CC and I counseled him twice when I was DO for basically being too AD and also demanding he be promoted. We told him he wasn’t ready and his attitude needed to change. I left soon thereafter for my SQ/CC stint. He was always a problem. Sure this isn’t an only his directive since he shares a hallway but this doesn’t surprise me from what I’ve heard recently from others in the group. Hate that things are going to shit now. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
This,in conjunction with the scrubbing of her social media accounts, makes me say hmmm? Whether they are or not, it feels like something is being hidden. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app