You need to update your data-C-130s have been gone from Nashville since 2012. If age is your limfac, RPAs are your best bet. Nashville just held a URT board, so next one is likely at least 6-9 months away. Nashville is very open to speaking with folks that are interested. Manning is pretty good but they are always trying to be prepared for force mgmt.
Memphis is undergoing some leadership changes. Not sure if they are actively hiring for UPT or not. Call them to find out. I believe they have a difficult time keeping full timers since purple is across the ramp
Knoxville is usually fairly consistent on UPT boards and are also getting ready to undergo a few leadership changes. If I happen to hear of their next board, I will post it here. I believe Bergman is a current member and he may be able to shed some light on their hiring situation.