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Everything posted by herkbum

  1. Where are you wanting to live? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  2. Shouldn't be too bad. 1 pt=1 AD day, or 1 UTA, or 3 study hrs for military correspondence courses. You also get 15 annual membership pts. The only cap to yearly pts is 365 (366 leap year) to apply toward retirement. But, yes, you would need to personally track. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  3. I believe you are correct, yearly on your "anniversary". I completed another year last week, so hopefully mine will be updated. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  4. VMPF will break down your points for you. Go to the Points Summary. Nsplayer, swing by the office if you have trouble finding it. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  5. @nsplayer OPRs do count now. We have had them sent back from JFHQ and told to rewrite them. It all depends who is running JFHQ on what weight they carry. Current group puts A LOT of emphasis on them, so wordsmithing is huge. I hate playing that stupid game, but we don't have a choice now. Luckily our guys are doing great things with no shit numbers that seem to baffle the head shed. Can't argue with facts. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  6. The saying goes "API 8, the flying is great!" Not sure about the retraining part of your question. Call NGB HRO and ask. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  7. That training means nothing in the RPA world. Do some more research on the mission to understand what is and what isn't needed. If you are around those units, ask the bros. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  8. All ANG flying slots are Maj slots. With that being said, you will need your PME for promotion. I was the pilot hiring dude and a mid to senior Capt was our hiring wheelhouse. We typically only took junior Majors. You have to have think about retainability, because we do. We have to worry about force mgmt, so we will do our best to avoid being too top heavy. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  9. Are you able to make it a comprehensive list of boards? There are other units besides fighters hiring. I'm changing the title of the thread to not be misleading. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  10. Well, this should get interesting Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  11. Speaking of Pops , what is the current status of The Alley and getting to Pops' store? The store was awesome and had plenty of leather goods. Also bought one of their leather barn jackets. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  12. My Pops jacket looks exactly like it did 10 yrs ago when I bought it. Had to replace zipper when some of the teeth were ripped out a few years back. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  13. Took all of 8 or 9 days for him to go public. And W was silent for 8 yrs. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  14. I did a 2 year non flying embassy gig and it was awesome. Actually, I kept flying at my home unit, but travel was on me. I will second everything said above. Embassy life was pretty sweet. I had a staff of foreign nationals and driver. I was treated like a king when I visited the host nation Mil bases. I actually met my wife there. She was State Department. We hung out with the same group of folks, started dating, and we got married about a year after getting back. I would highly recommend it if the opportunity presents itself, especially if it's a flying gig. Herkbum Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  15. Listening to Chelsea is like listening to Ferris Bueller's teacher Herkbum
  16. Did you get a checkride in a fixed-wing airplane at primary, T-6 or T-34? If so, you are GTG. If not, you'll likely have to go to UPT. We recently hired a Marine MV-22 bubba. Took right at a full year before we were able to swear him in. So, if interested, get the process started as soon as you know you are going to pull the trigger. Have a plan to support yourself for at least a yr during the process. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  17. And how is this Trump's fault? Just because he accepted the resignation? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  18. And this surprises who? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  19. It goes off duty location, i.e. where your base is located Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  20. Mine is based off duty location Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  21. Quit taking the bait Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  22. Every time I put the base zip code in, it says insufficient something or another use a 5 digit code. What did you use? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  23. I do not. Check with your MDG, they may have some insight. Ours went out to SD and did some clinics for the Native Americans and to Bulgaria to help some remote villages. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  24. Most of the situations you describe, that I am aware of, are done in conjunction with OCONUS deployments such as the State Partnership Program. All are Humanitarian Assistance projects that the host COCOM funds. The ones I know of here in CONUS were done as part of an Annual Training, most of them by the MDG. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  25. Also stumped by the question. If you were in my unit, the answer would be "no". Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
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