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Everything posted by Tonka

  1. ...Or had to fight to separate if the GI Bill is your only ADSC? I have just over a year before my other ADSCs are up and that one is another year later I think.
  2. He was, one of the best I've ever known.
  3. ... to where you are sitting.
  4. I took them a few years ago, and if you called and gave them a good excuse they would hasten that process. I finished all of them in about 4.5 weeks when I had an extended DNIF. Back then the waiting was for the next book to be sent to you, so I had them send the next book before I took the test for the previous book... it was a pain in the A$$ talking to them on the phone and making them do there job, but was worth it to get it done faster. YMMV.
  5. Looks like he made it home... If you don't frequent thechive.com often, they have taken care of a few folks in need over the last year (while posting some pictures that are easy on the eyes). Suddenly my suck factor needs to be re-calibrated, excellent welcome home tribute to him. https://thechive.com/2012/09/10/taylor-morris-comes-home-17-hq-photos/
  6. Not to mention the lucrative contracts to create these trainers: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=59eaa371dde76f2dd5afdbf14e6656c8&tab=core&_cview=1 $1.7 Million for training 450 folks, over 1 year.
  7. https://www.amc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123316750 I love the way the Air Force tries to solve problems... I bet we spend the next year determining appropriate uniform accoutrements to designate one as a resiliency trainer.
  8. Did prohibition diminish drinking? You stop/reduce drag racing on the streets by providing a safe alternative on the track, drivers still die but I bet it is a lot less than if it was completely illegal to race. Folks are "generally" going to try and do it legally if there is an avenue. It sounds stupid, but take a 135 pilot and let him fly at 1000' over a stadium and he is the man for the day, tell him it is never possible and he tries it at 100' over the dessert drags a wingtip and cartwheels into a tent of civilians. All pilots have some rebel spirit at some time in their lives, they need an outlet for it. Years of routine flying diminishes that outlet, trying to chase that original high. Unless you have the chance to switch airframes, go to WIC, TPS, then a flyby/airshow/demo might give you that release safely/legally. If not, then you get the "hold my beer, watch this sh|t" accident... Also, just having that "demo" guy in the squadron might be enough for pilots to fly by the books to get a good reputation so that they can 1 day be "that guy". Some people need that pinnacle of the pyramid to aim for.
  9. Nah... talking about the forest is boring, cutting down the trees for a few hours of enjoyment every night is much more entertaining.
  10. 2, the last 100 years was pretty bloody, include another 100 years (last 200 years total) in that chunk, and you could easily say we are in one of, if not the most violent times in the history of man. War's alone: half? of the 10 most deadliest war in our history occurred in the last 200 years. On average people may not be more violent and wars less prominent... but the weapons available to them are a bit more efficient.
  11. I guess that's a reasonable assertation: we eventually disproved these incorrect theories and looking back it is plainly obvious that they were not true? i.e. had we been around at that time with our vastly advanced knowledge, we would of easily been able to point out the elementary evidence to the smartest people in the world that exceeding Mach 1 won't kill us. I propose the unreasonable assertation: we have barely scratched the physical understanding of the universe, and even though the evidence to that understanding is right in front of our face we lack the ability to understand...a hundred years from now they will scoff at our weak minds and our inability to build such "elementary" hypersonic vehicles. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man." -Shaw Thanks Neil for being unreasonable.
  12. Might not be a bad thing, since the 7inch IPAD will be out in 2 months. https://allthingsd.com/20120825/confirmed-new-ipad-mini-will-debut-in-october-after-latest-iphones-september-bow/
  13. A man on Mars won't equal it, it will still be the 2nd in that category. It will have to be a new form of travel, energy, or porn.
  14. Who would of thought that such a crowning achievement for the human race would become so far removed from the minds of policy makers around the world. It has become a pinnacle of our exploration, and not what it should of been: a first step. How long will we wait to even attempt another amazing feat? Thanks for the dreams Neil, it made the AF somewhat bearable.
  15. Perfect, that's probably what we'll get... I'm being told we will have to disable the internal GPS and use an external antenna, haven't seen anyone mention that aspect, anyone using a moving map (cheaper alternative to foreflight)?
  16. Any updates? Which holder did you mean (the spring clip)? Not to down play the initiative, but I wonder how the industrial suction-cup to a cockpit window works? Has anyone tried it? Anyone successful in getting their Sqd to pay for Foreflight?
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