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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. Congrats on your successes thus far in high school. Seriously, that is commendable. Before you sign anything, swing by the "General Discussion" forum and read threads such as "Leadership at the Died", "What's Wrong with the Air Force", "Aviation Continuation Pay", "Drone Pilots: We Don't Get No Respect", "Promotion and PRF Information", and "Finance Problems"... just to mention a few. Don't post, just read and soak it in. Also, if you're on Facebook, look up "John Q. Public". Good luck.
  2. All the more reason to leave, right? I think people that take exception to the AF's "significant leadership & culture problems" should be more concerned about an active duty exit strategy than they are about the bonus take-rate and the potential fallout from that.
  3. So now you're a drone fan boy? Once again, say quals.
  4. source? He was still giving checkrides CAO last year per this thread...
  5. Anyone hear more about Baltimore getting Js again? Timeline?
  6. Anyone have information on the "Boston guy"? I have his name/number... left multiple messages, but he has never picked up and doesn't return calls. Any best practices on how to get ahold of him? Email address? Does he even do ATPs anymore?
  7. So is this guy still in command? CCs in recent history have been fired for much less.
  8. My UPT write ups in a nutshell!
  9. What about bases where "leadership" are co-pilots, basic ACs (that generally only fly with IPs), or senior office course guys. I hear that's a thing.
  10. Same in mine. I can only name one that I would call "above average." I know the FAIPs remark was a joke, but there really is no comparison. Most FAIPs I've seen are able to hop on the treadmill with accelerated upgrades to eventually catch up to their peers. UPT-D RPA guys... not so much.
  11. It is what it is. We don't have to like it.
  12. Thank heavens. Now, about that entitled attitude of yours....
  13. No one will care as long as you're not a douche.
  14. I was trying not to think about it. All of the "safeguards" that we impose on ourselves and make productivity painful at work... And this still happens.
  15. ^Nailed it.
  16. Anyone know when the PRF accounting date was for this year's LAF O-5 eligibles? No .mil access right now. IDE-complete (in any form)?
  17. ^ Same for wireless USB slide clickers please (ie, Logitech Presenter)
  18. Hey, when NIPR is down, we can just all go home for the day..... am I right? Comcast, where have you been all my life? Oh, and does this mean I'll be able to plug in USB drives and use iPads as something more than an e-reader?
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