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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. When SQ/CCs include the words "SOS" and "AAD" in pre-deployment briefs (directed at first time deployers, i.e., co-pilots), then you know the train has come off the rails. And yes, I've seen it first hand in different squadrons with different commanders
  2. You haven't flown in OEF recently. Your info is outdated.
  3. Not an 11F, but I'll chime in on this one: Anyone have any words about interview prep services (such as Emerald Coast)? Useful for prior mil types?
  4. Looked like the "Hiring News" section off of the Airline Pilot Central forums.
  5. Old heads -- how long did it take for F-4s to start going to the boneyard when their currently-used replacements starting coming online?
  6. I know Hollywood has been on an unoriginal kick the last couple years, but damn.... At least remake a movie (or carry on with the franchise) that was good to begin with!
  7. Can't tell if serious.... But if you are, and I kind of hope so, then I think I'm going to love this thread.
  8. You are assuming the "boss" cares/will even ask.
  9. Yet another way for managers to strat without actually having to know their people!! Yay!
  10. I've spent my share of time out there and am quite aware of the policies within that AOR, but thanks. I was referencing efforts to have that in place outside of CENTCOM.
  11. Maybe some people need to remember that being in the military can royally blow and one of the benefits of being TDY can be per diem, and the last thing they want to hear is some finance troop offering their interpretation of various regs that they really care nothing about. And yes, I know we are broke.
  12. Don't forgot, government mess now means consuming a box nasty, according to Finance Guy. GMAFB.
  13. Can't you opt out of a 365 if you have no ADSC?
  14. I'm in if we can drink there.
  15. Didn't mean to imply that you air out dirty laundry. Just wondering if they were design issues with the airframe that everyone alludes to, or, other issues.
  16. Care to expand?
  17. My old squadron issued Suunto Advizors. Large face with light background. I've beat the hell out of that watch and it's still in good shape.
  18. Wow. That's a lot going on for a "university" that I thought was nothing more than a couple of barely-educated online "teachers" and a PO Box in like West VA or something.
  19. I just threw up a little thinking about it.
  20. Not in AFSOC, but this one hit a little close to home. Speedy recovery, boys.
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