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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. The hurt feelings "of one billion Muslims around the world"? Really? Yeah, and in the mean time, our enemies will still be planting/setting off IEDs and trying to kill our guys on the ground, while we are chasing our tails with this shit. What. The. Fuck.
  2. Valid. Absolutely.
  3. Saw it again after my post. My bad. I'd chalk up my error to traveling for about 3 days to get to this little slice of heaven, but that would be quibbling. Either way, it was fucking stupid to do, and downright idiotic to record.
  4. As long as it's above 500A you're good, right?
  5. So..... What about aircrew that are trained to fly airplanes that are/have deployed to in lieu of billets that have nothing to do with flying operations?
  6. Hands down, Yokota. Living in metro Tokyo, access to the entire Pacific region via Narita/Haneda, not to mention Japan itself has a ton to do. You won't regret it.
  7. Obviously taken below 9,999MSL
  8. Man, if only somebody would have put on paper this whole idea of not committing national treasures (namely, but not excluded to military forces) unless it was vital to national security. Oh, wait, someone did.... 27 years ago: The Weinberger doctrine: The United States should not commit forces to combat unless the vital national interests of the United States or its allies are involved. U.S. troops should only be committed wholeheartedly and with the clear intention of winning. Otherwise, troops should not be committed. U.S. combat troops should be committed only with clearly defined political and military objectives and with the capacity to accomplish those objectives. The relationship between the objectives and the size and composition of the forces committed should be continually reassessed and adjusted if necessary. U.S. troops should not be committed to battle without a "reasonable assurance"of the support of U.S. public opinion and Congress. The commitment of U.S. troops should be considered only as a last resort. Edit: Formatting fail.
  9. And not one Air Medal. Ladies and gentlemen, one of many examples of how people with wings can be "shoes", too.
  10. Anyone seen this pic yet? Checked the Googles and couldn't find it.
  11. No kidding man. Had to deal with that twice when stationed overseas and then having to come back to the "Home of Combat Airlift/C-130 Center of Excellence) for formal training. Squadron policy: no rental car while you are in the sim/academics (unless you had a non-A). WTF? Thank goodness for bros from UPT that were stationed there that kept me sane.
  12. Well, at least you got a long lunch, right? ....right? UFB. And there is one of the causal failures in our organization. Reactions (often kneejerk) that mgmt feels are necessary to show that they are "doing something" and/or "in full compliance". I can just hear it now, "Oh, yes sir, all of our people have 100% attended 'Combat Orientation'" at a certain deployed location. What they DIDN'T say is that it's a bullshit waste of time that any chimp with a powerpoint could "teach", that it fucked up rotations of aircrews on the flying schedule (circadian rhythm shifts, etc), and that guys had already been in-country for a month and had already learned from their bros what to do during a rocket attack. But..... we are are in "full compliance." Take this example and apply it to many things in the AF, and you'll see a pattern. Ugh.
  13. Barrel roll. Supposedly, the only reason anyone knows about it is because one of the goats in the back recorded it, but then left the device that he recorded it with on the plane and MX found it. When they were going through it to find out who to return it to, they found the video. Whoops.
  14. The briefing that the AFCENT/CC gave on this topic was recorded and is now shown to all aircrew members during in-processing, at least at a certain base in the AOR. I have gotten ass-chewings in person before, but never "virtually".
  15. Said it before and I'll say it again: Not worth it.
  16. Not if you have autothrottles.
  17. Hmm... So a retired USAF general speaking for a competitor (i.e., winner by default) in a lucrative government contract (within 13 months of retiring)? Nothing to see here.
  18. Dear God.
  19. Bad advice.
  20. Good riddance.
  21. Can't be a "Center of Excellence" without a couple of marquees, can you?
  22. I think we are rapidly approaching a subject not appropriate for a public Internet forum, gents.
  23. I would think that since you AF helo bubbas have gotten into the CASEVAC business and save lives every day, the Army wouldn't give two shits about what you're wearing . I know that if I were ever to require your services, you could be wearing a clown suit with all of the morale patches you could velcro on the thing and it would still be beers for life.
  24. And this surprises you?
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