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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. Can we at least ditch the green boots in October?
  2. So are we going to be able to wear leather jackets in this uniform? As for the off-base stops, I fully intend to blow off that rule, especially considering it's allowed for the "OCPs" but supposedly not for the "A2CU".
  3. There was a great thread on APC where people were posting their 2017 W2 earnings with company, year, and caveats. Incredibly informative. Can't find the link now.
  4. This could be fuel for the argument that's come up in a previous thread: the MAF doesn't know what to do with WOs. Well, here's their chance. You want to beef up training requirements to reflect the current threats out there and the integration required to mitigate them? You've got people on your base that can have your crews ready when shit hits the fan. You just need to let them develop and execute a training plan and leave them alone as far as the other jobs and queep Dream Big discussed above. And when your units are better off than they were before as a result of the hard work, reward the guy or gal appropriately (and I don't mean with a sweet exec "opportunity") and push them for leadership roles. This really is not that difficult.
  5. I’ll play along.... why is this a bad thing? Squadron manning aside, there’s still a job crews need to be ready to do. Sounds like someone near the top of the mobility world thinks we suck at parts of it and want to fix it. I think that’s good.
  6. Best of what’s left.
  7. I’ve never strapped into one of these VR contraptions, but so far, my experience has been that nothing replaces your ass in the seat of a real airplane.
  8. NKAWTG beat me to it. Lots to say on this topic, but that sums it up: the CAF and MAF appear to value different things. Ram, I appreciate the dialog regarding patch necessity in the MAF, but I think that they do play an important role. Their role would be even more important if the MAF used them to their full capacity, but because of misplaced values, we have what we have now. The issue that the MAF is facing is that I truly don't think they know what to do with WIC guys. MAF upper management has been told by their colleagues at the CAF that patches should be treated as shiny pennies. So, the MAF has done the only thing they know how to do with shiny pennies: make them execs so that they are "broadened" as to what happens outside of the squadron and in the wings that they will supposedly command one day. Probably well-intentioned, but completely antithetical to what the Weapons School is supposed to produce. MAF management can't fathom bypassing developmental opportunities by leaving a shiny penny "down in the squadron" to build, teach, lead, and make the unit more effective in its primary (non-queen) mission. And while I realize that patches in exec-type roles are non-standard in the CAF, I can say firsthand that I saw a patch flyer O-4 carrying Gen Goldfein's hat around on a base visit.
  9. I had hopes for that initiative too. I can’t really think of a good reason to restrict “fly only” pilots to VIPSAM and keep that talent from the operational MAF. To be fair, the article also says, “Or, the pilots could become instructors.” If they include the FTU in that category, then at least it’s somewhat viable.
  10. At the risk of a total sidebar... I agree that PT is out of control as a "QFI", but how does one fail a PT test in the desert? (i.e., what was he doing taking a PT test while deployed? How is that even a thing?) If the PT test was immediately upon return to home station from a deployment, what was he doing taking it instead of being on post mission/recon?
  11. Now we know you're trolling. Nobody learns anything at SOS.
  12. The PRF was blank. Your OPRs, TRs, and decs were visible.
  13. Spot on. Is there a manning issue, or not? The USAF has a hard time distinguishing between mistakes and crimes.
  14. Are there any other incentives big blue is offering to return? I think I remember seeing in the bonus thread someone saying something like “yeah I’d come back....for $$$/year, permanent PT test exemption, no deployments, no queep/fly only, etc.” Just wondering how much they are trying to sweeten the deal to attract back some talent and experience.
  15. How does someone heading to JCS get passed over?
  16. The Airlift Group (AG) commander (before the 317th was a wing) during the C-130 H-to-J transition was a Herk nav.
  17. Here you go: https://uspatriottactical.com/action-embroidery-aeronautical-2-piece-flight-suit-badge-multicam/
  18. The Herk community is not devoid of toxicity. Truth. But hey, AMC got, what, three more O-6 billets out of it?
  19. There’s no way in hell that you collectively get several year groups worth of officers to blow off ACSC in correspondence. A few over achievers with time on their hands ruins the whole deal. And to the post above, no, a promotion board would not know whether you declined, and yes, your OPB only says “IDE COMPLETE” with no mention of residence or correspondence.... BUT, going in residence generates a duty title on your job history and a training report that will be at/near the top of your ROP. It is easy for a board member to know if you went in residence and it is still a discriminator.
  20. We can only hope. In all seriousness, my comments are more geared toward the “everyone’s a warrior” mentality. I’m a Herk guy. I support the war fighters on the ground. I get that. I accept that. Why is it that we can’t just tell support functions (I am not talking about cyber operators...) that their job is to support, and that we need them to be damn good at it. They are not executing “the” mission, but take some pride in knowing that their support enables those executing and going into harms way.
  21. There’s been a slow and steady narrative in the AF that one’s worth as an “Airman” is not measured by their proximity to the flight line. I think common looking uniforms for both flight and ground duties are, in management’s eyes, a step further in that direction. I’ll be surprised if the green one piece bag stays, and I doubt they would authorize the green two piece above for concern over making flyers too “distinctive” and potentially triggering a nonner shoe clerk.
  22. You’ve been pretty consistent with that message on here. What did Goldfein to do you, anyway? Story time....
  23. Even when worn with green one piece flight suits?
  24. Is the AF going with coyote brown boots/T-shirts with the OCPs or sticking with tan? Either way, I too am curious to see what the regs will say regarding their wear with the green one piece flight suit. I remember the green boots looked weird as hell when they first became authorized. Hopefully some MAF commanders don’t get to overzealous in their “more restrictive” local supps and limit wear to only the two piece flight suits. Edit to add: also curious if leather jackets will be authorized with the two-piece flight suit.
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