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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. Yes, do tell....
  2. Tested under what standard? Tongue and Quill? LOL. Just wow. Why don't they just cut to the chase and incorporate writing proper bullets and rating your flightmates that you haven't met yet into the pre-course work. What a waste of a program. Seriously. Hopefully they don't cut into the drinking time and make it even more painful.
  3. 2nd career change already?
  4. Interesting. Although, being a Herk guy and having been to some pretty random places, if I had to choose, I'd rather have hard copies of the FLIP for unfamiliar fields. I'm pretty sure I could safely get myself to the FAF and subsequently brick one in the local area if my iPad shit the bed.
  5. What do you mean by a "hard-copy local flimsy"? You mean your Wing/Group local flying procedures aircrew flimsy?
  6. Is that $1.2M savings after the purchase of the ~$500 iPads?
  7. True. True.
  8. I suspect things might be different in the CAF, but I think that in my community, the thing that keeps people from going to the WIC is that they become the action officer for every fucking thing under the sun when they get back because they have that rep as the "go-to" guy. I'm talking shit barely even related to tactics. It really makes one wonder if the end result of being a patch wearer is worth it. That sucks.
  9. How about a QR code IVO the receptacle and the boomer can just capture it with his iPhone QR scanner. Done.
  10. Probably because the people giving you the gas couldn't give two shits.
  11. I can already tell I am going to heart this thread!
  12. Up 13%
  13. Stop feeding the troll.
  14. Whether or not this was handled with an FCIF or behind a closed door in the DO's office, the fact that some of you think that performing any of these maneuvers in a King Air is OK is seriously frightening. ..... Unless it is just some pointy nose dudes trolling the herbivores that call "terminate" at greater than 60 degrees AOB. If so, well played.
  15. That's what I was getting at. I glossed over the name, and the "PS" was obviously sarcastic, but the rest seemed to be pretty much what I would expect from the dickless upper managers that predominantly hold "leadership" positions in our service.
  16. Touché -- seen stranger names though!
  17. ^ Not sure if serious.....
  18. Not what I heard. Roughly 30% cut.
  19. Active duty.
  20. Rematch is set. At least all of you SEC haters out there will finally get to see an SEC team lose in the championship game this season.
  21. Consider it done.
  22. That thing isn't a Herk.... Caveat: probably what people said about the -J.
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