I'm just trying to get some opinions on what you guys think about the Club...
Right now I'm a member at CAFB, and honestly, I never use it. I don't have the time, for one, and I just don't really partake in any of the "advantages" or "discounts" that they offer. I kind of feel like I might as well be taking $16 a month and throwing it into the trash. Is that money really as important as they tell us, even if we don't use the club all that often? ("they" being the upper chain of command and the club management)
Don't get me wrong, I go to the club for assignment nights, and on occasion a "regular" Friday night if a few of my classmates are going too. But even then, you don't really see any kind of discount as a result of the monthly fee.
I hear that the Club used to be the place to go for mentoring, and just plain, good 'ole fashioned debauchery. If that's the case, it is a shame to see that it's struggling, at least at Columbus. Is this the norm throughout the Air Force, or is it just because I'm at a UPT base?
Thanks a lot, hopefully this makes for a good discussion.