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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. What's the likelihood of going into H-60s out of Hueys?
  2. This guy is gonna do just fine at pilot training....
  3. Kind of bad to rag on the non-rated types when you haven't reported to your UPT base yet, don't you think?
  4. Hey hey! I was just joking around with the "Medicare" and "broken hip" comments! Actually, he jokes around about it more than we do. It's funny though, because he really looks like he's in his early twenties. And yes, he really just turned 33. He was a TSgt before he commissioned, and I think he was coming up for E-7. There are actually two guys in my class that have clusters on their Nat'l Defense Ribbon because they were in Gulf War I.... you should have seen the looks on their faces when a couple of us reminded them we were in 4th grade around that time!
  5. We have a guy from the Hawaii Guard in my class that just turned 33. He says that while we are all filling out Tricare forms, he's filling out stuff for Medicare! Everytime we go for a run we always have to make sure the poor guy doesn't break his hip!
  6. Check this out, too! https://www.dynamictruth.com/cgi-bin/ultima...t=002039#000000
  7. Not to be a smartass, but seriously.... If you guys are all into the hooah, ground-pounding Army stuff, why don't you just join Army ROTC?
  8. A' FREAKIN' MEN!!!!!!
  9. -Tin of Mint Kodiak: $3.99 -Bailing yourself out of jail in Kansas City: $5,000 -Giving "Hanoi Jane" a little "taste" of poetic justice 37 years later......... PRICELESS.
  10. Maybe being in charge of a unit that has a high percentage of officers who are club members looks good on an OPR or something. By the way, thanks for all of the insight! I cancelled my club membership today. Maybe I'll re-open it some other time, but it was definitely a waste of money for now.
  11. I'm just trying to get some opinions on what you guys think about the Club... Right now I'm a member at CAFB, and honestly, I never use it. I don't have the time, for one, and I just don't really partake in any of the "advantages" or "discounts" that they offer. I kind of feel like I might as well be taking $16 a month and throwing it into the trash. Is that money really as important as they tell us, even if we don't use the club all that often? ("they" being the upper chain of command and the club management) Don't get me wrong, I go to the club for assignment nights, and on occasion a "regular" Friday night if a few of my classmates are going too. But even then, you don't really see any kind of discount as a result of the monthly fee. I hear that the Club used to be the place to go for mentoring, and just plain, good 'ole fashioned debauchery. If that's the case, it is a shame to see that it's struggling, at least at Columbus. Is this the norm throughout the Air Force, or is it just because I'm at a UPT base? Thanks a lot, hopefully this makes for a good discussion.
  12. I honestly don't mean this to be a slap in the face to the Missle guys out there.... I can definitely recognize the viability of the Space field (lift, control, early warning, etc.) But what other purpose do the missile fields serve other than as a deterrence to the North Koreans or Iranians or whoever else would want to lob a nuke our way? (Or against one of our allies/interests overseas) With satellite/precision-guided munitions, stealth technology, Global Reach, and all that good stuff, is it not just easier to send an aircraft to bomb the hell out of the enemy than launch an ICBM from Montana? Just curious.... I obviously don't know a whole lot about the Space & Missile field.
  13. That is friggin' motivating. Hacker, that pic of your jet is pretty damn sweet too! That thing packs a lot of heat.... (Still, no gunship though... :D )
  14. The whole attitude of being "dead set on a fighter" is what I'm talking about here. In my humble opinion, just getting the opportunity to fly for the military is a big enough privilege, regardless of what they tell you to fly. Given how competitive it is to even GET a slot, I would be (and am) happy with what I got, plain & simple. Maybe I'm the exception to the rule or something. Again, good luck with all of your endeavors!
  15. Agree with Dyess Monkey that the difference would be negligible if you updated the PFT score. Additionally, I disagree with your analogy about the Nav slot. Somoene with a Nav slot that was qualified for a Pilot slot and didn't get one, in my opinion, has a lot more to be pissed about than someone who GOT a Pilot slot but didn't get ENJJPT. Nothing against Navigators/EWOs/WSOs/CSOs (or any other type of Navs I left off!), but at least with a Pilot slot, you know you have the opportunity to fly. I'm just trying to help you see the bigger picture and keep you from spreading any bad karma around, man. Good luck at UPT when you get there, and good luck on getting ENJJPT.
  16. I think don't think that getting a pilot slot is "BS" at all. God forbid you have to slug it out with all of those mere mortals get a T-38 out of SUPT at Vance, Columbus, Moody, or Pensacolo. But, like rangerbob said... I'd POLITEFULLY and TACTFULLY bring it up with my cadre, see what they say, and then take whatever answer they give you and leave it at that.
  17. Do any 130 drivers have any best moments they'd like to share? (Linda, HD, Baseops, and any others that I left off...?)
  18. This may be completely retarded, but do you have to be a maintenance officer to go to the maintenance officer course?
  19. No one's hammering on you, and there is nothing wrong with chasing your dreams. I am just saying that, in getting a slot to begin with (ENJJPT or not), you have scratched the surface of an opportunity that a LOT of people would damn near gives their lives for. What you are saying could kind of be related to some dude who was stranded in a desert for weeks, then when he finally gets a bite to eat, he is annoyed that it isn't a filet mignon or something. Maybe that puts things into perspective for you (at least that's how I see it). Once you are in pilot training (or on active duty for that matter), I do not see where that OM score as a cadet would ever follow you. It's a clean slate after commissioning. As far as ENJJPT goes, good luck with it, but either way, if everything continues to go on-track, you will be on your way to being an Air Force pilot and serving your country... Isn't that all that really matters?
  20. What ever happened to just being thrilled that you were one of the 59% (or so) that got a pilot slot and calling it a day?
  21. "Rolling on Floor Laughing Ass My Off"?
  22. hahaha! I could just imagine hearing THAT radio call. Give me a break.
  23. Maybe Cessna has some new aircraft out called the "Eagle". Like a souped up 152 or something! 140 pure American horsepower. Has a HUD, launches flares & everything.
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