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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. Does the viper community account for this phenomenon in fuel planning when precip is observed/forecasted?
  2. In the MAF they also exec.
  3. Not the first time I've heard this. Question for those in the know: Did AFSOC not purchase enough MC-130J or are what they ordered not rolling off the line fast enough at the expense of their advertised fixed wing infil/exfil cape?
  4. I think you'll find that most people in AF flying squadrons won't care about wearing badges/tabs either way unless you come across as a tool about it.
  5. Mixed reviews from his time in the C-130 community. Credibility over "breadth"? It'll never happen in the MAF.
  6. Well let's hear it!
  7. Truth bomb.
  8. Have you tried to delete/reinstall?
  9. This is almost ten year old advice and dependent on the personalities of your functional and commander but I was told that as a courtesy you should CC your commander in any message traffic to your functional.
  10. Ops checks good.
  11. Pure speculation and, respectfully, a bad example. There are other ways to nominate for IDE that don't require the churn of writing a PRF. Let's also not forget that one has to volunteer for IDE nomination.
  12. Info note: The link goes to the correct bio, but the link has the name of the previous 317th CC, who was by all rights awesome. Important distinction as it sounds like this guy couldn't be any further from Haji. Truly a shame. A few short years ago, Dyess was the place to be for a true Herk driver and a true hub of innovation. With all of the SM platforms out there (JQP, Reddit, various "Mentoring" forums on FB), hopefully this shit policy gets some negative attention because it directly contradicts SECAF and CSAF's guidance in making the boards "100%" in order to give people back their time.
  13. Increments can change by month.
  14. What's the selection criteria?
  15. Same errors and remarks as above.
  16. To continue the derail, 5 years ago monthly property taxes for a ~$170K house in TX were ~$250.
  17. Have you reached out to anyone in your community that's gone down that path?
  18. The problem with that though is one of you will PCS in less than two years and your next boss may not share his sentiments. Food for thought. FWIW, ACSC BVR is not hard. It does take some time, though. You can min-run and be done in about 5-6 months. Like it or not, not completing it will be tantamount to burning a bridge.
  19. The AF really has a chance to do right by itself in this midst of this (abrupt) change by clearly articulating to young officers right out the gate, and updates as the progress, the benchmarks that will be required to "on-ramp" and the time milestones associated with them rather than having guys "figure it out" along the way. If I was an '08 guy on the fence, the timing of this change would probably be a tick mark in the A-word column, but I respect CSAF's motives to get this change enacted quickly rather than continuing to admire the problem. All that to say, it's laughable that it's taking at least another week to effectively delete a column of data for a spreadsheet, come up with some talking points on a subject that's been discussed since at least Jan, and release. Great intent from CSAF, typical lackluster bureaucratic execution from the staff.
  20. Seems a little early to identify 2-3 year Capts as "HPOs", so I'd assume "in addition to". But, it could all be semantics.
  21. Truth. The other issue is there is another "list" ,at least in the MAF, that resides with AMC/A1 Force Development. It's constructed using a less formal data call (email to wings) per YG. They have been IDing Capts the year before their O-4 IPZ. Not sure how common knowledge that is.
  22. Maybe on the possibility of the change, but I'm fairly confident not read in that it would happen this board, and particularly not in the middle of the cycle.
  23. Source? If this is true, it is a major change to the "rules of the game". Worse, the fact that it occurred in the middle of a promotion cycle indicates a lack of transparency with senior raters--I know, shocker. Promotion stratifications are awarded with likelihood of IDE selection in mind based on strength of record. I'm not saying that the #1-3 guys out of the wing wouldn't have had that strat on their PRF had this been the policy going in, but it absolutely would have affected the conversation that occurred in the Nov-Jan timeframe when these PRFs were being written.
  24. Confirm for the '08 guys? Not what I've heard. My understanding it was the next board ('09 YG). Disclaimer: no real vested interest as it isn't my YG.
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