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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. I don't expect much change. The AF thinks that nonners need professional development and vectors toward a "fast track", too.
  2. Promotion opportunity for O-4 has always been nearly a given. Are you talking about IDE select status?
  3. Very rare in the MAF. Most O-6 and above are senior officer qualified. Means they did a two week sim course, are airland only, and are required to fly with an IP. Hell, a significant number of squadron commanders I've had, while being "IPs" on paper, rarely fly without a seeing eye. I've had one, maybe two, that I'd no-shit want to fly with when the chips are down.
  4. Maybe those guys had made up their minds at that point and no amount of money could have swayed them.
  5. Starting to get a little personal, here. I think this segment of the thread has run its course... Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  6. Well, at least "Desmond Kelly" demonstrated aptitude in using the "search" function. So that's good, I guess. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  7. "Hot dog" Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  8. I think everyone would love a good Crazy Carl story. Particularly CAFB alums. Go with your message in the clear! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  9. I think this was pretty much a given aside from the promotion board rolex.
  10. I'm in no way defending Rhat's douchiness, but I've seen some pretty dumb Sq/All emails.
  11. Valid. Retarded conversation removed. If you guys would like to continue the BAH/finance/marital advice discussion, search for an existing thread or start a new one. Redirect discussion back to the bonus (or lack thereof at this point).
  12. Simple answer: lack of BVR PME all but takes you out of the running for a "DP" on your PRF to O-5 (LAF), which automatically takes you down to about a 50/50 chance of promotion.
  13. I was being sarcastic and whole-heartedly agree with you. I don't think that type of expertise is recognized or rewarded in the current state of affairs.
  14. Because that doesn't matter. Third tier strat, at best.
  15. So true, and this is absolutely one of the worst parts of our "system". The best CCs out there would find a way to sit down their new Lts and explain to them how the system works from the onset, but at the same time, have them leave the room with the expectation that they are to focus on being an expert in the plane and let everything else (upgrades, jobs, PME) play out as it will for the time being. Additionally, from what I have seen, "late bloomers" don't even know that is a thing until it is too late to affect any change. The difference now, though, is that those late bloomers have more options on the outside and are way less incentivized to stay and chase the carrot. If this is the case, and to truly focus on job performance, any SR worth his/her salt would mandate inclusion of 942/Form 8s in the supporting documents (along with SURFs/past reports) as OPRs come up for stratification/reviewer signature.
  16. Great post, as usual. I have to wonder, though: if we got rid of up-or-out, how many willing volunteers would you have to get on the "leadership" track? I see the current status quo as officers checking boxes so as not to show their cards too early and retain maneuvering airspace as they chip away at their ADSC. If up-or-out went away, I can't imagine there would be a large line of people waiting to deal with the things that a Sq/CC has to deal with in the current environment, not to mention the non-flying path that must be taken to get there.
  17. LTC. No BTZ to Major.
  18. I think you're giving the AF way too much credit. I applaud your optimism, though. Absolutely spot on.
  19. Where are you getting 10% BPZ? It's typically ~3%.
  20. Words matter and I didn't precisely phrase my comment. The point stands, though. IPZ guys that otherwise would have gotten promoted in favor of APZs only to create the same issue next year. Doesn't make sense.
  21. How does lowering the IPZ opportunity this year to accommodate APZ help? It will just kick the can to subsequent years.
  22. I meant at home station. Yes, Herk guys have been wearing them while deployed for about 5 years.
  23. I don't think CCs get a specific report on bonus takers, but it's pretty obvious in the ADSC date and reason coding on your SURF if you have/haven't....assuming anyone is inclined to check.
  24. Anyone (other than AFSOC) wearing their two-piece flight suits yet?
  25. Are you saying you'd be willing to do multiple 365s in the name of stability?
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