I was 17 years old and through friends of the family got a Major General (Two stars so excuse me if im wrong on the major part) to write me letters of recommendations for college. It was great and was accepted to the school I wanted. However, it was never me who initially wrote him to ask about this letter for me. Also, as soon as I got it I heard he relocated somewhere and I didn't know where. So many things were going on from my dad having a failed surgery in hospital and died a few times in a row afterwards. Luckily he pulled through but it took literally a year of babysitting him here at home. My mind was not in the right place nor was I mature enough to send him a thank you letter. I regret this terribly since I am applying to a unit in the guard and could really use another letter of recommendation from him. However, sister is pissed at me and said i burned bridges and she will not let me know where he recently retired to. Should I pursue his letter of recommendation or did I really burn a bridge? You think the general remembers me not sending a thank you letter? Please let me know if I should not pursue him and get back in contact with him. He would definitely give me a heads up over the competition.
Thanks :confused: