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Everything posted by WHAP

  1. 06-04, the fourth class of fiscal year 2006.
  2. wear them, its fine and SNTS is right. I dont know what school G came from, but I went to Moody and Laughlin and nobody at either base gave a shit about somebody wearing jump wings.
  3. The 61st doesnt even know what they are getting. That is my squadron, and all of our guys are still going through E model schoolhouse. They said we should know this summer if its H or J models. As far as hercs or 17s are concerned. I just made that choice from tones in the fall and i love every minute of the herc. The driving factor for me was flying low. 17s will do a few low levels a year for currency. Hercs fly them all the time. Also, 17s take trips, hercs deploy. So if you want to be gone for 3 weeks, home for 1 or less, then gone again, take a 17. If you want 2-4 months in the AOR followed by 1-3 at home. Take a herc.
  4. attitude is almost everything. You need very little leadership skills to make it through ROTC if you work hard and always have a good attitude. Now then, getting what you want in ROTC is a little different story, attitude, leadership skills, and brains. Have two of those together and it will work out somehow, have three and get what you want. As far as other career fields go, I have friends that are OSI agents, Intel guys, Navs, WSOs, Finance, they all seem to enjoy their jobs. Just figure out what you want from the AF if you cant fly. If you want to lead/supervise, hit up SF or MX where a 2LT can get 100 people under their command in the first year. Ops side of the house go Intel, CCT, PRO/CRO (whatever that is called now), MX. ect
  5. You should be fine, just dont get anymore.
  6. Asking cant hurt, but i dont think there is any chance. Considering they are kicking rated pilots out of the AF for getting one DUI.
  7. Thanks for the help guys.
  8. I tried searching, but i didnt come up with anything. I keep hearing about gates you have to make as pilot to progress in your career. What are these gates? Is this something that I can find somewhere on AFPCs maze of a website? Thanks for the help.
  9. we set the O club up for watermelon smashing, each guy had a watermelon, inside it was a laminated piece of paper with his airframe on it, sledge hammer, wood block, wing king, CV, and OG with their wives on the front row.
  10. same for laughlin
  11. heard of one the other day whose first tour will be with the long island guard fying HC-130s
  12. 8 times, what ****ing job are you in? Ive worn mine twice in 18 months, and one of those was a military wedding.
  13. WHAP

    Roof Stomp

    by all means available.
  14. Dude, if you are asking, talk to them all. Always keep your options open and explore the possibilities. Talking to the recruiter cant hurt you.
  15. Will they even let you back in? We had a guy apply for ROTC with an other than honorable and the code on his discharge papers wouldnt even allow him to rejoin.
  16. I was a stud in pilot training at moody when they walked in and told us we were awarded the GWOT ribbon becuase we were in AETC. I thought that was ridiculous. My contribution to the war was watching CNN and hoping all the boys over there would be okay.
  17. you should get enough to get you by, the boots and shoes will be issued, other things like shirt garters you may have to buy. Other guys grab things like sweaters and the like on their own, but you will get what you need. How many sets i think sometimes depends on the det. We got two sets blues and one bdu before we went to FT, then we got some more for that.
  18. You know, I read posts all the time about guys wondering how many slots there are and what happened the last couple of years and what not. I got my slot and finished UPT, but i dont remember worrying about that stuff. Just do the best you can to put yourself in the position to get the slot no matter how many are given out. The numbers dont change too much year to year for ROTC and the academy(+/-50), some of the old heads around here know about the days of banked pilots and stuff, but i think its been a while since that happened (ten years or more). Good luck and dont worry about shit you cant change, you keep an attitude like that and youll kill yourself in AETC when you get here.
  19. Mike Oxlong Gabe Asher
  20. If you look at 130s for a first choice you also may end up at dyess or pope, but this is coming from a guy in 05-14 laughling who put the 130s first on his list. Just commenting on the spousal job market
  21. Cool man, copy all. I dont fly single seat, but i like the qoute.
  22. Read the post rainman, i didnt say lie about it. I simply told the guy about an option he could look at. And by the way, I got in the AF by telling the truth and getting a waiver myself. Harvard law huh? nice shot, but not quite my style.
  23. yeah, but some states dont allow even the offender to discuss the records officially (like informing employers, ect) without court consent. The records exist but they are expunged. I knew some guys back in arizona who got in despite having a criminal record when they were juveniles.
  24. some questions to consider 1. Have you been arrested for anything after you turned 18. 2. If not, was it in a state where juvenile records dont matter after you turn 18. Pretty much dont exist after you turn 18. Congrats on getting on the straight and narrow, but being arrested that much, i dont know. But, you never unless you apply.
  25. Possible, but you need a good realtor/property management agent in each place. You also have to be careful where you buy houses. You wont make much money if you buy a house and the neighborhood goes to shit.
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