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Everything posted by HercDude

  1. Dude, you're an asshole.
  3. Discussing BBQ in Little Rock with no mention of The Whole Hog? FAIL
  4. Not so fast my friend. I'm thinking either Clebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, or a boxing match with Octomom.
  5. TDOM - Take Dick Out of Mouth.
  6. Only problem is it's full of Frenchmen.
  7. His MySpace page which includes pictures of him doing HALO jumps (that are surprisingly similar to the first thing you see when you type HALO into the Googles. I hear his Facebook was a winner, but it's been deleted.
  8. You never did it with another person until you got the the -130? My impression of the CAF is obviously way off.
  9. Wonder Woman is gonna be pissed.
  10. The first class of the TIB WIC can't be that far behind.
  11. An O-7 who is a senior pilot with jump wings, works at the Pentagon, has 2 Bronze Stars, the Legion of Merit, a shit-ton of Air medals & Aieral Achievement Medals, and fought in the first Gulf War?
  12. Geraldo & drunk GW Students (and Ron Jeremy?) Wasn't sure if maybe this belongs in the WTF thread. Edit: pretty sure I found the hedgehog at 2:11
  13. I hear Donald Trump is very proud of himself for the role he played in bringing OBL to justice.
  14. . . . while drinking starbucks and listing to Lady Ga Ga on his iPod.
  15. Do all BMW drivers drink JP-8?
  16. They get twenty cents now? And here I am with only $.02 - EABOD.
  17. Are you talking about Little Rock? Must come in waves then because this is my third time through the school house and I have never flown or sim'd on a weekend. I think I only ever flew on a Friday night once, come to think of it. Straight out of the pilot scheduler's mouth "this may take 2 years." As far as I know this doesn't impact the 62nd, but having been in AETC for the last 4 years I can make some predictions: 1) Because the sims are down 50%, the "C-130 Center of Excellence" will not send guys down to the flightline on time 2) AETC will never figure this out, so they will never adjust the flow of guys in to initial or requal 3) AETC will never change the timeline, so the schoolhouse will get backed up, through no fault of their own 4) People will sim/fly weekends to keep output at the same level as input 5) In about 3 years, AETC will pull its head out of its ass, at which point the guys on the line will have figured out how to make things work anyway 6) Someone will tell me to roll my sleves down before beofre I leave work today But what do I know, I'm just a synical old
  18. Just a nuggets up to guys headed to the Rock for initial or requal anytime in the next 2 years: The sims here are now officially on a 7 day work week. I've got a sim on saturday & sunday next week. It has to do with the E to H conversions of the WSTs so they can match whats being taught in the 62nd. According to the chief scheduling Lokheed guy, this is around for the next 2 years, at which point they'll probably have to start the H2 and AMP conversions to the WSTs. Your weekends are F'd!
  19. Of course. Are you going to tell me that UConn (Big East Champ) had a shot at beating Auburn this year but UCF (C-USA Champs) did not? The "Automatic Qualifier" rule is retarded, because individual conferences are not guarenteed to remain the same strength. When the BCS went in to effect in 1998 the Big East still had Miami, Va Tech, and Boston College which made them a decent conference. Who is to say that in 7 years the Big 12 isn't going to be a joke just like the Big East? So since you eliminate that rule you have to give each champ a shot at the title. That also leaves room for 5 wildcards, so a one loss team that had a great year may still win it all. If that was the case no team would be undefeted at the end of the season, so no chance of a split champion. As for the independents, I'd say they get to go if the are undefeated or are in the top 16 of the final BCS standings (or whatever would substitute for BCS standings).
  20. Seriously? Someone who writes for the Wall Street Journal doesn't see the difference between NCAA basketball and football? BTW you'd have to make it a 16 team playoff. That's the only way you could get every conference champion in. An 8 team playoff leaves room for a 12-0 darkhorse to get hosed by the BCS, out of the playoffs, and thus negate the only reason to have a playoff.
  21. Well, good thing then that they have invested so heavily in a diverse economy and not hinged it all on hydrocarbons. Oh . . . well shit.
  22. Jet Reportedly Crash Lands in Libya, but Crew Safe Eh, that doesn't look like much of a "landing" to me. Glad to hear everyone walked away and into the hands of the "good guys".
  23. The other 25% were caused by pilots rolling up their sleves.
  24. Doesn't matter. Godzilla will soak that shit up long before it gets to us. The people of Tokyo on the other hand . . . .
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