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Everything posted by Bode

  1. Hate to disagree but straight from the regs "Advanced Studies Group (ASG). The ASG programs are advanced level education programs that are not considered as IDE/SDE credit-awarding programs but fill an important role in educating the AF‘s senior officers. ASG programs include: SAASS, Maritime Advanced Warfighting School (MAWS), School of Advanced Warfighting Studies (SAWS), and School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)."
  2. Thanks for the feedback. 200k in 5 years is a little much. Found a CU that will do 12-15 at a lower interest rate. I won't be building for about 7 or 8 years unless something in my career goes ugly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That would make two because DLF dropped one as well.
  4. So I'm looking into purchasing some acreage up in New Mexico. I found a company that is willing to work a raw land mortgage. Their standard mortgage for this is "5 year Balloon Note (fixed rate for 5 years, balloon payment due upon maturity) at 5.75% (approx. APR 6.434%) amortized for 15 or 20 years." I'm not very educated in this department. Can some explain this to me? Also "Maximum Loan to Value 70%, 30% down payment required". Does this mean if I get appraised for more than my purchase price I can take the difference from the down payment or is it still 30% regardless? For example land value is $100,000 and I purchase for $90,000. Will I still need $30,000 down payment? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Just going to throw this out there. Does previous mentioned SrA really carry if it's legal or not when he wants to shoot up the place? You think this TSgt has authorization to carry? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I would be surprised. Maybe due within the Sqdn in October. If it was due this year it would probably be in MyPers. I will check MyPers tomorrow. See if there is anything.
  7. Anyone heard anything on the 08 YG PRFs for major being due in October? My exec is claiming it's not official but was passed from a buddy at AFPC. I know that would be a large jump in dates from the 07 guys but I wouldn't be too shocked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. What is interesting is the promotion rate difference between AMC and CAF. I don't know what to make of it other than AMC doesn't take care of their people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. We're trying to do that with Striker Vista. Take an IP in one jet, train them in a completely different jet, make them an IP inside of a year, then off to school and staff. Striker Vista?
  10. So a complete random question. If someone ends up with 5 strats on an OPR which may be their top one before their PRF is that a signal to leadership? I'm used to seeing one per block on an OPR. This guy's were all top 10-15 percent type all strated in different ways. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Bode


    So were you at fault in an accident?
  12. There is a video on the FAIP Mafia Facebook page. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Negative...there has to be legitimate mission reasons for this to be the case. Sometimes this applies, more often times this doesn't (don't forget, not all squadrons involve planes/ops type people). By what reg? The reg actual statement is "The local area is the place where the member lives and from which he or she commutes to the duty station." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Leave and pass is a commander's program. They can set distances and restrictions as they see fit. I remember at Keesler it was east or west to the state line and north as far as Hattiesburg. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That's completely up to you. The real question is "will she be on the TDY orders?" This will determine your pay and justification for a TLF. Most likely it will not be because the AF doesn't want to pay that extra $$. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. She will not get per diem unless she is on your TDY orders. I did this in 14. I took 2 kids to PIT with me. I continued to collect my BAH from Alaska the entire time. I rented a house for the on base lodging rate. They told me I was not entitled to a TLF because they were not on my TDY orders. They were authorized the cost to go direct to my follow on duty station. Any cost beyond that amount was on me. For your case I don't know how they will do it since you stop receiving OHA when you depart. You may receive the BAH II rate. Remember you are authorized 600 pounds TDY shipment. I will answer more questions if I can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. They did have an RC-26. Not sure if they still do, but that could be the reason for the 11U. I know a guy right now going through UPT from this unit. He was selected when they still had the 26 and the had already gained the seats for his training. They may already be prog'd the seats but I don't really know sh!t about class allocations. Just a little bit of info that may be completely worthless. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I've only heard rumors of how bad McDew is, how much suck will we be in with him? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Well our last track had studs in the bottom half of the class tracking 38s because the top half wanted T-1s or TH-1s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I know there are many of us that have zero airline ambitions regardless if we stick it out to 20 or not. I love what I do but plan on doing something completely different when I exit from the military. With that said the airlines have no appeal to me or many others. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It would take about 23 years just to get the parts to get the can'd jet FMC with the current supply system. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. So crew chief may be beyond what they do. However, they do a lot of leg work to help out where units are suffering. Honestly though they do a shit ton more work than I ever did as a casual for nine months. I checked in a few times a week and that was the end of it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. FYI casuals are not really useless anymore. APTers (casual studs) are crew chiefs, admin across the base, and working actively. You can take leave but I don't want people thinking the aren't doing anything for months on end. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Your operations group only had a 67 % promotion rate?? isnt the overall promotion rate 95% and weren't there 75% DPs, meaning that around 23 of your 30 should have had DPs?? I will do some asking around but that is the word from my CC. I will try to get more specifics tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. My OG was 20 of 30 eligibles. Puts it right at 67%. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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