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PlanePhlyer last won the day on November 2 2017

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    Live Free or Die
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Crew Dawg

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  1. As stated on 690 responses to this question...get it, don’t get it. If you want to be a military pilot that bad you’ll find a way. If I’m sitting on the board and screening applicants and you haven’t even attempted flying, then you probably aren’t getting a nod to even interview. Get two jobs, find a way to get it. Things are hard, but that makes them worth it.
  2. If shit was easy dude, everybody would do it. I’ve been on hiring boards and been around the block a few minutes and can say that scores aren’t everything. Age 31 with 23 flight hours isn’t a great feat, AFOQT Pilot is great, PCSM sold. GPA, slightly average, Do you do anything interesting to bolster your resume? Don’t quit flying, find a way. Other applicants will find a way and they will get an interview nod over you. Don’t be a Debbie Downer, hope wont get you anywhere. If you want that shit, put your big boy pants on and go for it. Apply to every Guard/Reserve unit in Merica, keep flying, and get another job of you need to. How bad do you want it.
  3. Jon/Marty, We refinanced our old home with your company about 4 years ago and couldn’t have enjoyed the process more. Question I have now is with our new home in New Hampshire. We used a BA loan and put 25k down on a 385k loan. We have owned it for a year and did some work to it. Haven’t had it appraised yet, but it should be around 400k. We have a 4.125 rate and we recently contacted by our broker to see about a ref, possibly down to 3.5. I told her that I wanted to take some cash-out for some projects for the house and she told me that the VA Refinance loan can only carry up to to 90% of the homes value (including the cash out) because there is an issue with the secondary allowing a100% LTV. She also said it was her company that was like that (CMG financial) and others may be different. Thoughts? Thanks We have only owned the house for 9 months if that helps. Thanks
  4. Pease ANGB in New Hampshire is having a Rated and Non-Rated board in March. Paperwork due in Feb. Link: https://www.157arw.ang.af.mil/Units/157th-Operations-Group/133rd-Air-Refueling-Squadron/ Pilot hiring link at the bottom. Just left AD and have been a part timer for 2 months now. Great unit with great people. Candidate will go directly to the KC-46. No Tanker experience required. UPT age waivers possible, but not guaranteed. PM me if interested and I’ll get you in touch with the POC. Cheers.
  5. Once the CC learned of the shenanigans, swift and immediate action was taken. It was a rogue Flt/CC that made a terrible decision. Bold statement, pawnman, I submit that this is certainly not the case.
  6. You know this is BS amigo. I was one of your IPs and was there for 5 years. Very professional environment. Your Flt/CC was terrible, but don’t shit on the rest of the Sqdn who worked hard and were very professional. Just because you got butthurt when you got JSTARS, don’t bash one of the most professional environments I’ve ever worked in during my 22 years in the military.
  7. This is literally the worst move that the AF could ever do. The CC and DO are two of the best I’ve ever worked for!!! The OG deserved it. I’m so glad that I’m now in the guard. Big Blue is so gone. Kwast has no idea what happened there, as far as I’m concerned he should be fired. Rant over.
  8. This site helped me get picked up for OTS/UPT back in 05, here it is 2017 and it just got me hired with the NH ANG. Thanks everybody who helped since I joined this site in 2004. I’m forever thankful for the guidance. Cheers! 🍺
  9. You mean to tell me pictures of NDBs and ADF equipment is out of date? Next you're probably going to say fix-to-fixes are archaic too. *sarcasm*
  10. Buddy of mine was a 8 yr AD B-1 Evaluator WSO and has been through the C-130 Nav course for Reserves, is currently deployed with C-130 and heads to UPT next June. Anything is possible. He'll be 36 at UPT.
  11. A Form 8 is the official piece of paper where your checkride/flight evaluation is annotated. It has areas to annotate the scores of your written tests, simulator emergency procedures evaluation and checkride score.
  12. TOLD on the hand. That's all you need.
  13. Call me an @ss, but I'm so glad the entitled Fighter era is coming to a close (at least for now). Let the butt hurting commence.
  14. So I've had a Cap 1 card for 15 years (3 years before I joined active duty) and applied a couple of months ago for SCRA benefits. Just the other day I received a $925 credit on my account. Awesome deal if you have had a card since before you went active duty. Took 8-7 minutes on their website. Worth looking into.
  15. I received an invite as well. I'm already a rated dude though.
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