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El Duderino

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  1. I thought the same thing when I first saw it, but the letterhead was a dead give away for me.
  2. It’s happened before, and not that long ago. Reference Gerald Ford.
  3. https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/2022/10/17/army-reserve-major-made-adult-film-for-his-congressional-campaign/ Some insightful analysis from AC on the story:
  4. At what point is it not absurd? When should the laws a societal norms be applied?
  5. If living, single-celled organisms are found on the moon, Mars, an asteroid or anywhere other than planet earth are the scientific journal headlines going to be “Life found on Xxxx” or “Organism that’s not quite life found on Xxxx”? Once the egg is fertilized and the cellular functions are functioning and the cell begins dividing I don’t understand how it’s not alive. It’s human DNA in the cell so saying it’s not human life also doesn’t make sense to me. I am not the smartest person though and am open to a scientific explanation of how it’s otherwise. After conception isn’t the nature versus nurture part of the equation that determines what a human is going to be like settled?
  6. Exactly. And all of those babies and foster kids would be much better off if they’d been roto-rootered out before they were born. We need to save them from what could become a possibly uncomfortable life by making ensuring they can’t have one at all.
  7. I think it’s the second bay he mentioned, the built in seaker head preheater is a cool feature.
  8. This thread is useless without pics.
  9. Did I miss a fight brewing between China and the Taliban? I thought China’s interest was working out an economic deal with them.
  10. It’s funny cause it’s true/sad.
  11. Because those things are good is all the other stuff they say good by association? The Germans built an impressive road system in the 1930s that inspired our interstate system here in the US. Does that make the rest of their ideology from the time more acceptable?
  12. Filibuster didn’t seem to be a problem all that long ago. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/01/26/democrats-have-vigorously-used-filibuster-its-pathetic-they-now-wont-pledge-protect-it/
  13. Looking at the head on shot posted by Big Red, I wonder if one of the two objects in the background under the left wing is the left AR pod. What is left of the prop blades on number 1 are also at a flatish pitch (not feathered) making me think it was likely still putting out power and the left pod and number 1 were damaged during the forced landing. Whatever happened, cheers to the crew getting it down with at least 2 engines out and keeping everyone safe. Any landing you can walk away from...
  14. I’m pretty sure this was covered in a mid-80s documentary. Here’s the applicable part:
  15. FLEA, what airframe are you on, how many years of service do you have and how long till you can leave AD?
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