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El Duderino

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Everything posted by El Duderino

  1. I thought the same thing when I first saw it, but the letterhead was a dead give away for me.
  2. It’s happened before, and not that long ago. Reference Gerald Ford.
  3. https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/2022/10/17/army-reserve-major-made-adult-film-for-his-congressional-campaign/ Some insightful analysis from AC on the story:
  4. At what point is it not absurd? When should the laws a societal norms be applied?
  5. If living, single-celled organisms are found on the moon, Mars, an asteroid or anywhere other than planet earth are the scientific journal headlines going to be “Life found on Xxxx” or “Organism that’s not quite life found on Xxxx”? Once the egg is fertilized and the cellular functions are functioning and the cell begins dividing I don’t understand how it’s not alive. It’s human DNA in the cell so saying it’s not human life also doesn’t make sense to me. I am not the smartest person though and am open to a scientific explanation of how it’s otherwise. After conception isn’t the nature versus nurture part of the equation that determines what a human is going to be like settled?
  6. Exactly. And all of those babies and foster kids would be much better off if they’d been roto-rootered out before they were born. We need to save them from what could become a possibly uncomfortable life by making ensuring they can’t have one at all.
  7. I think it’s the second bay he mentioned, the built in seaker head preheater is a cool feature.
  8. This thread is useless without pics.
  9. Did I miss a fight brewing between China and the Taliban? I thought China’s interest was working out an economic deal with them.
  10. It’s funny cause it’s true/sad.
  11. Because those things are good is all the other stuff they say good by association? The Germans built an impressive road system in the 1930s that inspired our interstate system here in the US. Does that make the rest of their ideology from the time more acceptable?
  12. Filibuster didn’t seem to be a problem all that long ago. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/01/26/democrats-have-vigorously-used-filibuster-its-pathetic-they-now-wont-pledge-protect-it/
  13. Looking at the head on shot posted by Big Red, I wonder if one of the two objects in the background under the left wing is the left AR pod. What is left of the prop blades on number 1 are also at a flatish pitch (not feathered) making me think it was likely still putting out power and the left pod and number 1 were damaged during the forced landing. Whatever happened, cheers to the crew getting it down with at least 2 engines out and keeping everyone safe. Any landing you can walk away from...
  14. I’m pretty sure this was covered in a mid-80s documentary. Here’s the applicable part:
  15. FLEA, what airframe are you on, how many years of service do you have and how long till you can leave AD?
  16. *THREAD REVIVAL* I'm shopping around for term life insurance to supplement SGLI but am not entirely sure how to decide what is best. I gather that no war, aviation, or terrorist clauses are a must but are there any other fine print details to look for? Other than the rates per amount of coverage what makes one policy/company better than another? I use USAA for all of my banking and insurance right now but their quote for coverage is higher than that of the Army and Air Force Mutual Aid Assoc and the AFA. Any words of wisdom on how to best look out for the family should the worst happen would be appreciated.
  17. I personally don’t think that the MSFS they have at Whiting are very helpful. I used it once for about 15 minutes and realized I was getting nothing out of it. I think your time would be better spent studying or chair flying in the cockpit mockups in the microsim room. The RIOT trainer on the other hand is money. It definitely won’t give you any kind of feel for the T-34 but it can really help you grasp how instruments present information and how they are used for navigating and flying approaches. Practicing procedures for radial intercepts, point-to-points, approaches, etc, on the RIOT trainer taught me how to look at the instruments and turn their information into a God's eye view of the situation. I don't think there is a great advantage to using the flight sim, but good luck either way.
  18. FNG, 335 per hour is correct for max power in the T-34, 125 lb/hr at idle. If you have anymore questions about the T-34 feel free to ask but do it quick. I had my last flight last night and am in the process of performing a beer assisted brain dump. Dude
  19. The class date on your orders is worthless. Mine was 5 Oct 05 and I didn't start API till November and am just now supposed to start primary next Monday at Whiting. Lately the student WSOs wait hasn't seemed as long so your wait between API and primary should be shorter. When you get here you will be put at the bottom of the AF WSO list. Every week depending on how many people they need they will class up x number of AF student WSOs and y number of AF student pilots. So your class up date will depend on how many AF WSO types are in front of you and how many of those they need at Sherman. When you check in MSgt Lucas should be able to give you a ROUGH (nothing here regarding dates is ever set in stone) idea about when you should be able to class up. Also if you have to do NIFT/IFS or whatever they are calling it now that will also affect your date. I hope that is a little clearer than mud. AF people can be stashed but I don't think it happens as often as the Navy students get shafted/stashed. If you have any other questions let me know. -Dude
  20. Here is a Chuck Norris fact that is definately Air Force related: From Airman Magazine Feb 2001 Chuck Norris named 'Veteran of the Year' BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AFPN) -- Chuck Norris is an international action star best known for his roles in movies like "Delta Force" and "Missing in Action" and the "Walker, Texas Ranger" television series. But few people know he's an Air Force veteran who served with security forces in South Korea in the early 1960s. Or that he started studying the martial arts while there. Fewer people know of his philanthropic work with children and military veterans. He's the spokesperson for the Department of Veterans Affairs. And in 1990, he established the "Kick Drugs out of America" Foundation. Because of his work, the Veterans Foundation Inc. chose him "Veteran of the Year" for 2001. A national selection committee representing the entertainment industry, the military and corporate America chooses the honoree. Gen. John W. Handy, Air Force vice chief of staff, presented Norris the award at the American Veteran awards show in Beverly Hills, Calif. The taped show will air on The History Channel, Feb. 11. The show is designed to commemorate America's past, present and future military members, raise awareness and encourage public support for the 26.4 million veterans and present service members. ------ Now back to the moderation debate and any random facts about his Chuckness. -Dude [ 04. April 2006, 00:07: Message edited by: El Duderino ]
  21. I was always curious about how much fuel the military burned. 128.3 million barrels, or $8.8 billion worth last year according to the article. And I thought $20 - $25 a tank was high. Pentagon battles high fuel costs
  22. AH-64 Apache
  23. I am not as surprised at the protests by the Phelps clan as the previous posters have been. I grew up in Topeka and had to drive by the Phelps every Sunday on the way to church. They have protested at funerals of police officers, the funeral of Matthew Shepard (the gay kid that was beaten to death in Wyoming), and other events that get national attention, this is their standard fare. They are disgusting human beings and what they do is revolting. For better or worse (I think probably worse) what they do is protected under Freedom of speech/religion/protest. Writing them letters or beating the shit out of them will only play into their sick and twisted desires. They crave the attention and get off on it. Don't feed the trolls. As difficult as it may be I think that it is important to ignore the the Phelps protesters and focus on the lives and sacrifices made by those whose funerals they are protesting at. Don't let them steal the attention from those who deserve it. Another sick situation happened at a Marine's funeral in Pennsylvania. https://www.cnn.com/2005/US/07/25/funeral.a...y.ap/index.html [ 25. July 2005, 14:39: Message edited by: El Duderino ]
  24. Jetjock, there isn't a flighinfo.com but I did find a flightinfo.com . This is probably the link you were looking for: https://forums.flightinfo.com/showthread.php?t=57442
  25. El Duderino


    I am supposed to report on 27 September, a.k.a. not soon enough.
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