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  1. This was the AETC/CC's vision since at least 2016, but when suggested it was shot down on account they'd need twice as many to execute the mission. Here's the funny part: the T-7 is a purpose-built, lead-in fighter trainer intended to bridge the gap between the T-6 and fifth gen. AETC/A57 worked with ACC/A3 on what they wanted it to accomplish, not AMC/A3. What a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars to put heavy kids through this thing. "Universally assignable" as a goal is a joke.
  2. https://unmask.com/Robert-Dean/TN-Crossville/525d94d3-3fa1-4f3a-f3ce-6fe50ed6c5dd/#summary I think the McChord address is in the enlisted housing area.
  3. Robert(a) has former addresses in Ft Huachuca, McChord AFB, and Klamath Falls.
  4. One of around seven or eight ECG buildings was constructed in the last decade.
  5. At the McChord sim, it's covered every other year.
  6. I'd be willing to wager that the boom wouldn't be evaluating the pilot, but instead recommending a CC-directed Q-3 to the Boss based on one of the three critical areas.
  7. Said no one ever.
  8. Sources please?
  9. Little known fact: ACC still owns legacy Herks that won't be transitioning to Js.
  10. As in ABCCC?
  11. How about Tucson?
  12. Nah...plenty of non-rated guys have held command of flying units.
  13. Is that Dragon Flight in the 85th? Nice.
  14. ...as opposed to two inexperienced guys. If I were in the jumpseat on this particular T-1, I'd sure as hell want the two dudes in front to be IPs.
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