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Everything posted by zrooster99

  1. Dude, fvcking relax. I was saying I didn't think the ARTICLE said he decreed individual soldiers would mirandize terrorists, though I may have misread the article. I didn't say I don't think that's what he wants to happen. Same team Farva!
  2. I don't think the article is saying he directly decreed that soldiers would mirandize terrorists, but that it's a possible consequence of his decision.
  3. Team America, World Police!
  4. I tailored it to the threat. You're just jealous because your junk, much like your craft, is small and ineffective.
  5. As stated above, one key difference between the two cases is that the C-17 guy wasn't well liked or respected. He was pretty much a squirrley dude in many ways by all accounts, and his replacement is pretty much an awesome guy. Oh, and you know you herc guys LOVE the cock, so no worries.
  6. Exactly! Some GO had a hard-on for it...or one of his lackeys had the hard-on and now it's policy. Anybody remember it being a big deal prior to 01? I I know I didn't hear anything about it until my first deployment when the shirts started going ape-shit over it.
  7. Wow! That really hit's home for me. I was attempting my first landing ever in the family’s recently purchased 310 last week and found myself in a very similar situation at KFWS (downward sloping runway, high, hot and floating like a motherfvcker...) I went around...glad I didn't try to salvage the landing...
  8. I still don't get what's inherently unprofessional about wearing your sunglasses on your forehead...
  9. Yep, always makes the lapdance better!
  10. Base housing on TCM... Sucks balls, but we can't be bothered to move, and we're PCSing in less than a year. We're definately going off base next time. Oh and it's $140k if you count the truck and the Harley.
  11. Thought I'd go ahead and include a pic of my grocery getter.
  12. Best thread I've seen in a while! For the other '17 bubbas, what do you think about using 80kts as a checkpoint vice just using Vgo? Personally, I think 80kts is kind of arbitrary and Vgo is based on an actual numbers crunch. I understand to a certain degree why some people use it, but I like to keep things as simple as possible. If it makes sense to abort, it makes sense to abort. If it doesn't, it doesn't. I usually talk about some things we WON'T abort for and then go on to say, call what you see and I'll make the decision.
  13. Hey, I'm currently at altus. I say, hit Altus, as long as it spares all of us...and the Holiday Inn :)
  14. My fvck'n what?!! Just arm the alt and put your bannana on your waypoint...duh!
  15. Yes you can. I know for sure that at a minimum there has been talk of making certain assignments within the AOR 1 year remotes, and am pretty sure that in some instances that has become a reality.
  16. Like he said, don't overanalyze! I'll take one of the little ones!
  17. Really!? 50 billion won't impact readiness? Not even a little, huh? You're a genius. By the way, what is an insignificant impact on readiness?
  18. So, I recently got a job at jiffey lube. Do you think it's OK if I wear my flightsuite as over-alls if I take the patches off? I'll leave the rank on though...
  19. zrooster99

    Gun Talk

    I don't know about the author...he doesn't come off as that knowledgeable to me and seems to rehash a lot of the urban legends I've heard before. Oh, and the AK doesn't fire the "russian .308" round...I assume he means the 7.62X54 as the russian equilivant to the NATO 7.62X51 (308). He could be dumbing it down, but anyone who's dealt with an AK knows the 7.62X39 is a VERY different round.
  20. zrooster99

    Gun Talk

    Amen Brother! The fight is on, and to me it's more significant than any of the fiscal concerns we're currently facing or likely to face. Check out this video. It's kind of long, but anyone who's lived in the UK knows how true it is. Please spread the word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTq2NEUlhDE
  21. zrooster99

    Gun Talk

    Random question, but does anyone know the correct location for a Romanian RPK bipod. Every one I can find on the web has the bipod near the muzzle, but I'm looking at one that has the bipod located just behind the front of the gas port. Anyone know anything about the Romanian RPKs in general (vs Yugo etc...). Any help would be much appreciated!
  22. Grew up in Crowley (borders Fort Worth on the south side). I have to echo the sentiment that DFW is a GREAT place to live. Not big on the people in Dallas proper and North of Dallas, because of the big yuppy element. Everywhere else is great. Stay clear of south Dallas and Rosedale in Fort Worth. Apart from that, there's no shortage of good bars, clubs, and places to eat. I know it's a chain, but I still miss On The Boarder a lot, myself. One good place to party that wasn't mentioned is Deep Ellum in Dallas...I've had some crazy times there, but not in about 10 years, so an update might be in order...
  23. Can anyone who's in the know PM me so we can exchange .mils?
  24. Thread revival! I'm going there pretty soon, can anyone tell me: What style plug (brit, asian...)? What kind of laundry facilities are there now? How serious are they about GO1 and porn?
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