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Everything posted by zrooster99

  1. 3, 4, 5...whatever the count is up to... That was a chickenshit comment.
  2. Hopefully we got him and it wasn't a natural death... Edit: Fox is saying it was a US weapon. Wonder who got him...
  3. Awesome! Fuck that guy.
  4. Fuck... That's the other 1/2 of the problem.
  5. I would travel a long way to see a BOB era DO17 in person...I think it's awsome they're raising it. Glad you posted it, was just curious why you gave it the old WTF...
  6. Yeah, no shit, I came the closest I've ever gotten to getting schwacked driving my bike on 410 in San Antonio.
  7. Not sure why this qualifies as a "WTF"...
  8. Can you get that to me in a PPT?
  9. Not defending him, but 16' above pressbox elevation does not = 16' AGL. So he wasn't 984' low.
  10. Bet it was prior to last Spring. I don't think that's the last word on the subject.
  11. No kidding, so if I understand you correctly, they WILL look favorably on my SE Turbo Prop time. Good to know.
  12. I've got a buddy flying for Atlas who told me I need to get more multi time if I wanted to fly for them (my time in the C-17 wasn't enough), so apparently (at least for this one company) multi time is more valuable. Also, if this dude's goal is to fly for the airlines after he gets out, the earlier he finds out what he needs to do, the better...nothing wrong with that.
  13. I don't know and don't call me Shirley.
  14. I think that's likely it. I'm just of the opinion that there's no reason why they can't drop out of any fixed wing track.
  15. Why, you got any personal experience? Was that for me?
  16. Yeah, I've kept an eye on the trend. It's held true for most of the last year...what up with that? And no, I'm not in UPT anymore, just curious.
  17. Hope "subdued" means "kicked the shit out of".
  18. Just want to chime in that I agree with vertigo on this one too. Not these guys fault, leaders need to do a better job and focus on the right things instead of the bullshit queep. Let me add my prayers for the victims and families.
  19. Eh, on the whole I look back on my time in the '17 fairly positively... I only say that because when I was in UPT we had a couple of '17 folks try to tell us how "bad" it was. Yeah, you're gone a lot, but I didn't think it was that bad. I worked hard, I had fun. I say make an informed decision, but don't let folks talk you out of what you really want.
  20. Good luck, dude.
  21. Hmmm...always assumed you were a CHS dude...
  22. Lord Helmet?
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