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  1. It's a fundraiser that loops back to the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association for his wife and two girls, who will both be in college in a few years. The link has been shared by pretty much all of the Barnestormers on Facebook and I think it was started by the 131 FS SQ/CC. It'll go to a great cause. Also, Moose was a really awesome guy in every aspect of life. I really looked up to him and I only knew him for about 6 months. I can't imagine what his wife and girls are going through. Godspeed, Sir.
  2. This is all really awesome advice; thanks!
  3. Thread revival. I'm most likely going to be the SRO of my UPT class and I'm looking for specific, up-to-date info on the best way to dessiminate information. I was planning on getting everyone on a WhatsAPP account, making a private facebook page, and getting a digital dropbox for the flight. Does anyone know a good web site for a digital drop box? Does anyone have any other suggestions, etc for how to use the interwebs and the modern technologies to make our lives easier? I'll be going to ENJJPT, so are there issues with foreign dudes not having smart phones or phones with international numbers? Does anyone have any advice for helping out the SnackO? Is there a Costco that everyone goes to or will we have to order corn and jalapenos from www.popcornplaza.com? What about UPT bling? What's the standard stuff that everyone orders (pint glasses, zaps, shirts, coins, etc)? And how much were the squadron dues (just $69 on the first day or something)? Also, does anyone have any advice on the best way to divide up the flight jobs and labor in the flight (3 SnackOs, 1 photographer, 2 class video dudes, 1 tax collector, etc). And what were the most time-consuming queep jobs/tasks? My gameplan is to have a meeting Day 0 where we get all the queep figured out so that nobody gets screwed with a disproportionate amount of work 6-9 months later and then roll that right into a keg party. I'd rather get all this stuff squared away in advance so that it doesn't cut into our studying/drinking time during UPT.
  4. Meh, they've got a Marine airbase in San Diego, so I think the great city of Ron Burgundy is safe from harm. This does bring up a really interesting point though. The way I see it, people feel bad for illegal immigrants who sneak across the border in search of a better life (valid point), but rather than pressing the issue on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services to reform the US's stringent immigration policies so that people can legally come to this country for work and other legitimate reasons, they pressure the Feds to simply not defend the border. So now our border is a sieve while a full-on war between drug cartels armed with Army-grade weapons/equipment and the slightly corrupt Mexican government is raging right on the other side... Over drugs that are going into our country. I have a friend who grew up in Mexico and he won't go home, even to visit his family over the holidays, because the random murders and kidnappings have gotten out of control.
  5. Urghhh... Maxwell.
  6. In AFG the kids crowded around our MRAPs like they were ice cream trucks to beg for anything we'd be willing to give them (or anything they could steal). Keep in mind that most of these kids are ADHD spoiled brats, who are one of 69 brothers and sisters, with little to no adult supervision or parenting. So they basically run amuck and do whatever they want until an Afghan adult comes along and literally beats them into compliance. Now, imagine a mob of 100 or so kids, all going crazy because Santa Claus has come to town (seriously, most of these kids have never tasted Gatorade or eaten a bag of M&Ms before), and some dick throws them some Rip Its. I remember looking back into that village as we were leaving and seeing columns of smoke raising up from various points around where we had the shurra. Now, it was probably something standard, like the elders were signalling the Taliban we were leaving, but it made me laugh because it painted the mental image that by giving a mob of Afghan kids like 4 or 5 Rip Its, we had caused a mass riot that was destroying the village. And now Rip Its are gone ::pour one out for my homies::
  7. For a start, UPT's goal is to produce fixed wing pilots. Approximately a (singular) dude from each UPT class goes to helicopters and, even then, they truck over to the Army at track select, halfway through UPT.
  8. I forgot to mention this. This is absolutely crucial; moisture makes the corn tough. We did make a successful batch of Jack Daniels jalapeno corn today. The recipe isn't perfect, but it's definitely a starting point. Dump in 1 solo cup of oil with 2 shots of Jack. Heat up at least 10 minutes and ensure all of the moisture has boiled off (no more popping sounds) Fill solo cup with drained jalapenos, dump in 1 shot of Jack, dump the contents of the solo cup into the oil. If the oil doesn't melt the solo cup a little bit when you dump in the jalapenos, it's not hot enough. Let the jalapenos cook at least 10 minutes, then add 2 solo cups of corn with spices into the kettle. Wait about 8 minutes. Profit. There's a very faint Jack flavor to it;12 hours corn-to-cockpit.
  9. We made bacon jalapeno corn for the first time about a week ago and here's what we did: dump in 1 solo cup of oil and let it heat up for about 7 minutes. The hotter the oil the better the corn will pop add 1/2 lb of thick cut, diced, juicy, infidel bacon. Wait 3 minutes add 1 cup of jalapenos. Wait about 5 minutes (until the jalapenos are singed) quickly dump in 2 cups of corn with a mound of Slap Ya Mama Cajun Seasoning (order it on Amazon) and Lawry's Salt Wait about 15 minutes Profit. Granted we have a corn machine that's old enough to buy smokes and booze, but the above recipe works for us. Oh and someone in our squadron mentioned throwing shots of Jack, or similar, into the corn kettle... Has anyone tried this? I imagine the alcohol burns off and leaves the smokey, whiskey taste, but I'm also slightly worried about blowing up the corn machine.
  10. If you really liked Anchorman 1, you'll probably like Anchorman 2. Same humor, different jokes, some stuff was recycled for familiarity, but it wasn't like Hangover 2/3 where there was no new material. It's a lot funnier if you're drunk, but if you're not a Will Ferrell fan, you should probably rent it.
  11. How the ###### is this news?! So the worst thing that happened is she's a bitch when she's standing in line at the local Shitty Wok? I fail to see how this distinguishes her from everyone else in the takeout line. This is all just a BS distraction for what's really important: https://www.theonion.com/articles/5yearold-figures-he-has-a-year-left-of-peeing-at-u,34050/ Let's play a game!!! Finish this statement!
  12. https://www.stripes.com/news/air-force/first-air-force-same-sex-couple-granted-joint-spouse-assignment-happy-to-be-moving-forward-together-1.241381 I bet they'll fit right in with all the judgmental Mormons in Salt Lake City.
  13. Duff_Man

    PCS Bingo

    This is me about halfway through any AFPC checklist
  14. I've made worst decisions around last call. I'm not proud of that.
  15. More importantly, do they put out? Extra points for FBO girls with loose morals
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