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F16Deuce last won the day on December 2 2023

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About F16Deuce

  • Birthday 05/22/1983

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    Crushing my enemies

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Crew Dawg

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  1. The sad part is that everyone knows it’s a lie, but too many are afraid to say anything out of fear of being called a bigot. It’s like we’re living in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”….
  2. Agreed. Since Mexico won’t handle their business, they’ve forced our hand. It’d be a great use of our COIN and SOF assets in my opinion.
  3. …and have a line number.
  4. F16Deuce

    Gun Talk

    I have a V-Line Brute and it’s fantastic. My gun safe is a don’t ask, don’t tell situation. My wife doesn’t ask what’s in it and I don’t tell....
  5. Here's the links to it, let me know if you have questions. https://www.militarybyowner.com/homes/SC/Sumter/Dewees_Ct/MBO433150.aspx https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/116201249_zpid/34.012115,-80.326453,33.897777,-80.51013_rect/12_zm/?view=public
  6. F16Deuce

    Gun Talk

    I’ve found blue label prices to be somewhat standard, though I’ve found in store prices cheaper than online for blue label guns. I purchased in person. All I needed was my mil ID, orders (have an out of state license), and concealed carry permit (to avoid paying the background check fee). The Nellis Gun Club is a blue label dealer. I gave them those three things, filled out the paperwork and was done in 5 minutes. As far as a carry gun, it depends on what you can shoot well, how you want to carry it (ankle holster, inside wast band, outside the waste band, etc), what capacity you want, etc. A smaller gun is inherently more difficult to shoot for an inexperienced shooter because they are more snappy. The pistols I own are the M&P Shield 9, Glock 19, and Glock 34. I carry the Shield 9 to and from work in a Galco ankle holster or around in a Stealthgear appendix carry holster. I carry my 19 in an appendix holster as well, it’s be too big to carry in an ankle holster to and from work. The 34 is my competition gun. I went with the Shield because it was on sale for 299 from Palmetto State Armory and I like them. I had shot it before and liked it and hadn’t shot the 43. I added an Apex trigger shoe, sear, safety plunger and spring, and Trijicon HD sights. It shoots great. If I had to do it again I’d likely go with a Glock 26 or maybe the 43. While I shoot the Shield really well, I’m actually like the Glock grip angle and how they shoot. Glocks are also easier to work on and upgrade without needing a gunsmith, in my opinion. In both of my Glocks I’ve added a Johnny Glocks trigger. They are amazing, to the point I’m not even jealous of 2011’s. They feel very much 1911 to me (how I had him build my triggers). You can now order from his site via click/buy. Previously you had to call him and go over the exact details of what you wanted (which you can still do). You can check out his videos on YouTube. Being able to buy one of his triggers is a point for the Glock in my opinion.
  7. Here’s a really good article on Northern Lightning: https://atthemerge.com/989/northern-lightning/ It was also published here in the June issue: https://www.nationalguardmagazine.com/publication/?m=12619&l=1#{"issue_id":"417492","view":"articleBrowser","article_id":"2814227"}
  8. F16Deuce

    Gun Talk

    I found this picture of him in his mother’s basement....
  9. Nobody.
  10. Shack. There’s innovative thinking and there’s being reckless. This is the latter.
  11. Doesn't look good: https://www.eacourier.com/news/dead-in-arizona-air-national-guard-jet-crash/article_f488842e-9290-11e7-99ab-ef5508a4fc09.html here here
  12. F16Deuce

    Gun Talk

    Anyone here into 3 gun? I'm looking at semi auto shotguns including the Beretta 1301 comp, Remington Versamax Competition, and FM SLP Competition. Anyone have experience with any of these? I've heard Remington's quality has been hit or miss lately.
  13. Only if you make it that way or if your leadership sucks in my opinion. Hiring civilians for squadrons is a step in the right direction though to your point. Being merely adequate at ground duties that don't impact people's lives (training, etc) is good enough. Ball wash doesn't matter. The only thing that does is flying and the duties involving or related to flying such as instruction to make guys better, mission planning, debriefing, etc.
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