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Container STS

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About Container STS

  • Birthday 02/11/1922

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    Your Ear

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Isn't innovation in the AF an oxymoron? Oh, back when I was waiting to go on AD...remember to discuss the politicization of innovation.
  2. because the trade-off would be less $$$...fighters or not, this will be an AF-funded line item (my guess). Shwartz is owned by others.
  3. beat the wife with a stick. Her cries fill my heart
  4. You are so very special my son...
  5. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, seeing that everyone else is being responsible and stuff... You want the Super-D man...screw it, if you can die tomorrow in a freak electrocution accident, or have that really nice stripper slit your throat and wipe herself clean with the 1's you just threw at her, by golly you can face plant that Super-D into Terra-Firma after 14 barrel rolls and an uncontrollable, shit-inducing inverted flat spin. Time waits for no man my friend. Seize the moment.
  6. BUFF it! 52' is GBU-28 capable
  7. Jesus H...I am going to destroy the wife later
  8. Well, as far as the Bomber community goes, I can say that we raise some serious hell at the Barkatraz every friday, at least the red tag fellas. Deployments get out of control...fist fights, wrestling matches in the street, stealing base vehicles, loosing base vehicles for a week or so. At home, we also add stories to the book, piss people off, fist fight, and sing songs that would make a shoeclerk go mad. The new catholic father on base had the great idea of visiting each squadron at their roll calls (our Friday SQ bar push, others may call it different) to get to know people, and of course, we were extra double-tity vulgar and that did the trick. Apparently he had not heard of our roll calls. ...The S&M man, the S&M man, the S&M man makes the hurt feel good makes the hurt feel good... Tradition is alive at KBAD, shoeclerks can suck it
  9. Not likely... The Buff is currently at 50% airframe life right now...2040 is the projected retirement solely on the airframe. None of the aircraft have had/needed major airframe upgrades/replqacements inclduing spars and wing structure-there is a reason why they call it the Superfortress, it's built like a freaking tank. The wing carries 4 fuel tanks per side and about 50% of our fuel...the rest resides in the midde fueselage. As we use fuel form the wings, we encounter airspeed limitations associated with wing flutter due to the low fuel state. This occurs because Boeing designed the plane as a wet-wing jet, meaning that the wing gains it's strength from the fuel it caries. Instead of loading our wings with extra crap, they simplifed the fuel tank system and intregrated it into the aircraft structure. Therefore, the load we apply to the wings under stress is far less than if we had said extra crap in it. Goes back to the whole Force=mass*accel....the less mass, the less force, the less strain.
  10. The best thing that could have happenned to the B-1 (what's left of them of course), the B-2, and the BUFF is the Global Strike. From what I have heard lately, it looks like Barksdale was selcted...good food and hot semi-cajun women work for me. Global Strike aka SAC v2.0 will get us the MAJCOM representation bombers need. We aren't fighters and ACC can't understand that or the big-picture strategic use of a single aircraft vs the tactical use of a a shit-ton of pointy-nosers. They mean well, there is just no culture for it in ACC, hence global strike. Flying in Red Flag this week, it's blaringly obvious.
  11. No shit...can you say 100+years of service? Don't worry, the bomber UCAV is right around the corner
  12. Porkins had a waiver...he was also in finance before he went Undergraduate Space Pilot Training (USPT)
  13. BULLSHIT on luke skywalker being a Fiter Peelot... I want to say he was a bomber pilot, but not everybody can lead their head out of their ass... Luke employed A-Sfc ordinance, had a back seater, and had to use the "force" to find his targets.
  14. ShamPOW!..Right in the kissa!
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