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Everything posted by sky_king

  1. Due to inflation, that stipper won't be worth the same in 10 years.
  2. Agreed... 1) ### Departure, ### 69, 700 climbing 1600 2) ### 69, Left, 270
  3. The hardest part of the "good hands" portion is that if you only get to fly once or twice a month like me, you run into the currency vs. proficiency. Heck it's difficult to even maintain currency at this rate.
  4. What's your point?
  5. Oh the 13B hate...
  6. What was rule number two? Timing is everything?
  7. With 4 kids, taxes drop by $4000. The CTZE is less 'potent' for those with children. It's my counter argument for the BAH w/ and w/o dependents.
  8. RNAV? What's that? You assume my $350M aircraft is capable of flying this.
  9. I try to hand fly from parking to level off, and from TOD back to parking. Then again, my autopilot is older than I am. The airplane itself is almost older than my dad.
  10. Eliminates duplicate work in that, not every pilot needs to figure out their weather alternate for the flight. A UPT SOF also determines landing windows for the airframes in instrument statuses. Having a SOF minimizes the headache of 5 Ops Sups fighting over what they think should happen.
  11. The RSU is there to keep solo students and colonels from landing gear up.
  12. SOFs at UPT bases make sense because it eliminates a lot of the duplicated workload of the hundreds of flights every day. At a base with one or two flights a day... I'm sorry, but we're all big boys, figure it out.
  13. I never wanted to leave, I just wanted to do the job in a place other than Del Rio.
  14. Basically it boils down to the retarded metric of why a sortie is delayed or canceled. Why does mx need to be crushed if they man up and say "We can't launch X sorties/day because we don't have the man power to fix them."
  15. As a FAIP, I feel it's one thing to bitch to your bros about stuff like this, but to have it put in AF Times is a little much. Sounds like a lot of public whining to me. Also, hand flying isn't important? Last time I checked, the auto pilot doesn't takeoff, land or AR in my jet. Hell, half the time it loses 300' in a turn.
  16. 4 hours left and only at $885. I don't think their getting their money back from that investment.
  17. What do the rooms have for a kitchen? Dorm fridge, microwave, oven, stove? Also, please send me gouge along with the names of those who authored, edited and distributed it. Thank you...
  18. The JSTARS SOF program isn't much different from the AWACS SOF program. In that, it is basically just a filter for the OG so he doesn't have to listen to an hour of discussion between Ops and Mx about who is going to take the cancel.
  19. ..... and it's back to Master's degrees .......
  20. Pics or it didn't happen.
  21. Oh lighten up. These type of commercials are going to be made regardless. They might as well be made in a sarcastic type of way.
  22. I'd give him my spot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... in line for BQZip's mom.
  23. Deadstick, solo landing? Did he manually lower the gear himself, too? Sounds a little far fetched.
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