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Everything posted by sky_king

  1. Weird to think that was the standard 20 years ago. Now it'd take a semi-load of those to fill up the data on one $10 thumb drive.
  2. He's confused
  3. Not until I googled it. What would I have done without google?
  4. https://www.carbodydesign.com/archive/2009/06/04-us-air-force-x1-vapor-concepts/ Stop things like this.
  5. Done, what did you guys put for estimated savings amount? 50 ppl x $40,000 avg salary/benefits = $2,000,000 transportation, costumes, sets, lighting, lost time from 'volunteers' = $xx,000,000
  6. Mandatory wear of reflective turbans around the camel trails.
  7. So you're saying the tattoo of George Michael riding a unicorn on my forehead is a bad idea?
  8. no no no... the grips ALL wrong
  9. What if he throws a moped in the trailer and calls it an "associated motorcycle trailer"??? Also, every link I've found for estimates for DITY moves is broken. Do any of you have correct links to an online estimater? How much could I make hauling a 7x14 trailer full of stuff 1000 miles?
  10. The "certain SW Texas UPT base" canceled their $5 per head cover charge for drop nights. Apparently, too many studs threatened to not attend on principle.
  11. Seeing as how the Thunderbirds are a recruiting tool and TIB is a retention tool, they should be treated differently. Hundreds of thousands of people every year watch the Thunderbirds and it probably brings in quite a few airmen. At the very least, it gives an "oooh, aaah" show to the public that is paying for the military. On the other hand, TIB is worthless. Who really sits in anticipation of the next TIB concert? Many of the concerts are on base and not advertised to civilians. Even if they are open to the public, how many civilians go besides the local high school glee club? The money spent on TIB is more or less wasted on worthless retention. Kill TIB and keep the TBirds. Now with the AF kicking people out left and right, recruiting isn't the biggest issue. We have enough people to fill the ranks. We need to still focus on quality recruits though.
  12. That's because nearly every history teacher in America is also the basketball, baseball and/or football coach. Honestly, buying every box set History Channel has made and playing that for an hour a day to students would be better than some of the worthless teachers we've got. (note: not all teachers are worthless, don't get your panties in a bunch)
  13. But isn't that where God lives?
  14. classic
  15. PM me a af.mil email and I'll get you in touch with a guy (sts)
  16. Damn, the guy has poor taste in tattoos. He's not a fucking terrorist.
  17. Oh, I get it! He's going to fast.
  19. I know that every student I fly with has no idea what the definitions of "Roger", "Affirmative" and "Wilco" are... or that they are even different. Some people come up with interesting words. I've been trying to get one stud to stop requesting "ascents" and switch to "climbs" because ascent and descent sound so similar on the radio. Also, ascent sounds retarded. There are a million other UPT specific things I could come up with.
  20. damn, from that range it's got to be about 3 or 4 seconds from shot fired to target hit.
  21. ha!
  22. ba-da-bing
  23. Oh snap, another gear up landing joke!
  24. Time to get my wife playing Wii.
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